[ADD-ON] Blender Walk-o-matic

Hello everyone:
I came up with a small add on to help design the blocking steps of animations. Having done a few walk cycles my self (mostly for games) i felt that there where certain steps that I always use in my workflow, and that could be simplified with a little bit of math.
The basic idea is that the blocking stage of a walk cycle is defined by the combined cyclic movements of a few bones; such movements in turn can be described by periodic functions, and such functions can be defined using F-Curve modifiers on specific chanels.

As usual, copy in add-ons folder and install in the preferences panel.

It is not intended to provide final animation *, but it can:

  • Help to interactively design rough passes of a walk
  • Quickly create cycles for background or extra characters
  • Help study the mathematical relations of walking
  • Who knows, maybe with some other parameters it can build run, sneak or even idle cycles.

*(actually, if you “insert keyframes” with step 0, you will have key frames only for the key poses (contact, down, pass, up…) of a regular walk cycle).

You can see it in action here:

and here for more details:

In any case, I hope you enjoy it.

The .py file is in :


Nice man!! thats a great idea… appreciated.

Very good! Thanks a lot!

Very promising script I just looking for!

Ahh, that seems useful.

Maybe a list of common parameter that describe typical movement types and characteristics (like for example different genders) could be added as presets?

There are a few things I would like to implement for a future release, like the posibility of saving/loading parameters, so if any one finds a good combination, it can be easily shared. I dont have much time this days, so any help is welcomed (that or a lot of patience)

And thanks for the positive comments

Nice script, plenty of features. It’s easy to make a funny walk:p

It does seem to be broken on 2.7a but I tried it on 2.67 and it works fine.