Instant Meshes Remesh

Thanks for that tip. i read this to fast. well english is not my motherspeak :wink:
I dt knowed exactly blender need zip. or .py dat before.

But Yes now is showed in Blender.

i unzipped the file, go to and load it into addons.

Thanks Peetie for your little dash on my head :wink:

The script runs the function bpy.ops.object.data_transfer (check here)
Check line 151 in my script if there are some better options that could solve your problem (e.g. instead of NEAREST use the interpolated_nearest options). Good luck and let me know how it goes.

i have linux mint 17
and blender 279, i try to istall istant mesh
and there is a problem
due to a error that appear when i try to apply istant remesh

another problem do not see the instant remesch button
that opens the program

what is the correct istallation of the add on?

can you help me with a step by step
thankyou very much for help



can you run Instant Meshes standalone from the commandline?

Thanks for the reply,
for standalone what do you mean?

I’m not an expert you can show me the step by step procedure
thank you so much

open a terminal window, navigate to the location where Instant Meshes is installed and run it.

in this image you can to see the folder with the zip file and instant
meshes but when i try
not run

Yeah, but what can I do? You have to figure out if the problem is with Instant Meshes itself (does it run as a standalone application?). If that works fine then we can talk again.

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Hi @knekke I have created a pull request for Blender 2.8 in you repo. Please check if things are alright. Thanks.

For testing in Blender 2.8:

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Naming conflict and util import is solved. Now it’s a go for 2.8. Thanks.

Updated the code for import to Y forward and Z UP

Very nice! Thanks!

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What’s the difference between “Instant Meshes Remesh BATCH” and “Instant Meshes Remesh”?

I remeshes all selected objects, not just the active one.

Thanks for the quick response.

Great work! im gonna check how this works on OSX


great post you made, nice comparison.

PS did you happen to test this addon ,

Thats for Windows and Linux only, the quadriflow part of DynRemesh

im looking for an OSX build of QuadriFlow, so if you happen to know a link :slight_smile:

I checked around a bit, but don’t see it. But let you know when I come across one.

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