[Add-On] Light Template


This is my new Add-On: Light Template, it’s still alpha but ready to use!
With this add-on you can easy add a light preset to you’r scene with constraints so you can track the model easy!


Select the target(optional, an empty is created for tracking) of the camera and the camera it self(optional, the default camera is used), the go to add->Light Template, the you can choose if add a fill light and/or a back light, or, also, let the camera track the object.

Version 1.1
New Features:

  • Render Engine autodetection(Cycle -Blender), now with cycle, planes(with preset material) are used instead of lamps!

This is the add-on:
add_light_template.zip (1.94 KB)


add_light_template.zip (1.44 KB)

Thks rebelion, I will try it and tell you my opinion…
Bye bye.

i try the add on and it creates the light rig for BI, so if i want to use it in Cycles I need to tweak it . It´s very useful, but the time you´ll need to “convert” (right, it´s not much) it´s more or less the same you´ll need to create the base rig except for the the camera track.
It will be very useful an auto detect for the renderer, because of the use of area light in cycles instead the Spot ones used in BI.
Anyway, i´ll use it.

I like this script. I prefer no shadows on the fill and back light, so I inserted bpy.context.object.data.shadow_method = ‘NOSHADOW’ but it did not work. Do you know how to implement no shadows?

Ok, I’ll look at it and try to implement both option, unfortunately I’ve not much time now, but i think during this week both features will be implemented.

Thanks guys!

Ok I’ve released a quick “fix” with the new feature (render engine detection). Instead for disabling shadow i think since it’s a template setup used for general purpose and or quick render i’ve decided to not disabling shadow, but if you really need you can add this line to the script under add_lamps() function:

light_with_shadow.use_shadow = False


#Fill light managing
if self.bFillLight:
        if context.scene.render.engine != "CYCLES":           
            fillLight = bpy.data.lamps.new(name = "Fill_Light",type = "SPOT")
            fillLight.energy = 0.3

            <b>fillLight.use_shadow = False</b> #Where to disabling shadow, only for Blender Internal!!!

            fillLight = bpy.data.meshes.new(name="Fill_Light")
            fillLight.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
            emissiveMaterial = bpy.data.materials.new(name = 'FillLight_material')
            emissiveMaterial.use_nodes = True
            emissiveNode = emissiveMaterial.node_tree.nodes.new("ShaderNodeEmission")
            emissiveNode.inputs[1].default_value = 10.0
            outNode = emissiveMaterial.node_tree.nodes['Material Output']

However you can still disable it in the light properties panel!