Before I destroy my project I ask you first.
I have 2 lattice connected to 2 eyes.
If I add one more lattice (cover everything) lattice, eyes and head can I move each lattice separate from each other.
Thanks in advance.
Just try it. It will not destroy anything just delete the lattice and all will go back to normal. Save file first.
One lattice will pull on the verts and a second will pull on them some more.
Yes you can deform the deformed and rig it to.
Sorry I try but the latest lattice blow up, after i select everything before I select Lattice an press Ctrl+P Deform lattice
Thank you.
I try to add lattice in modifier panel, but still don’t work for me.
Im sorry I did not see the eyes where separate objects. I will stop my render and take a look.
Im not sure of the problem every thing seems to be working as it should. The lattice for the eye should be around the eye.
“lattice blow up” do you want more then one lattice on the object? Or do you want a lattice controlling another lattice? It seems to work both ways. Im in 2.69.
I hope this one has got it .
Thanks for helping. Many time I add one eye and one empty to move the eyes without problem. Then I add a lattice. After that I make a copy of eye-empty-lattice and move it to next side of the head. Now I can adjust eyes with the empty and remodel each eyes with the lattice.
This time I try to animated the head to,with a separated lattice. I don’t think it work to have more than one lattice at the same object. May I need to rig up mouth with bones (armatures)
Maybe I just do not understand . I use multiple lattice often. Maybe someone else can help.
OK thats what I need to know. (I can us more than one lattice at the same object)
Thanks for helping.