"Add" option in the Action Actuator is broken?

basically adding to the main animation (layer 1) some variation (layer 0) . The main action integrate in it self 100% of the variation . (To be make it clear, the “Add” adds, but the “Blend” option do mix )

it makes the mesh of my Armature inflate than explode . Is this a known bug ?

maybe this happen because in first actuator layer use 1 and secondary actuator layer 0 - i know zero layer need mixed with one layer number, if dont do it animation play not right, and all logic bricks work only queue actuator 1 next work actuator2 and next work actuator3. You check this animation in scripts? maybe armature.playAction(“shoot_test”, 0, 47, blendin=5, layer=0) and armature.playAction(“shoot_test2”, 0,47, blendin=5, layer=1) working right?

this is adding animation of layer 0 onto the animation layer 1 . It’s a vertical stacking . Nothing to do with playing an animation after another (horizontal queuing ) .

The “Blend” option (instead of “Add”) works fine as it only mix the 2 animations.

Above all, if the 2 animations are not animating same channels, every thing is fine.

I managed to fix the problem (but for how long ?) . It’s seems it related once again with the fact that animations have to be fully keyframed (not even sure about that). I’m afraid, it might be unstable … just like turning on/off buttons and it magically works and the day after it wont. Here, i just made a Pose clear transform it seem it works after … but once again, i don’t even if its the trick that solved the problem…

Would be cool to have upbge dev team to pay more attention on the elementary features. Can the Action Actuator and the “Add” option be put under the test or at least correctly/fully documented ?

Some people are not willing to be limited to move cubes in wonderful magma of useless kitch shaders at 10 fps

fyi, here, what’s happening if there’s some loc and scale in a bone when using the ‘Add’ option … the bone flies away

you can also see that the finger are dancing crazy . why ? Because their rotation haven’t been set to neutral pose and that none of the 2 animations have channels to animate them.

Conclusion i’m making so far :

  • your character has to be set to neutral pose for those channels you are not using in the animations
  • the 2 animations must have the same channels order , grouping , length (?)
  • just like for a previous conclusion i made on the Action Actuator , your root bone has to be fully keyframed (otherwise your character will glitch - nobody report that bug before me ?)