Does anyone have an addon for doing this? Thanks
Unaware of one, but there is flood fill I believe. Pull down the Info view and the relevant python command might appear there when performing the flood fill.
I just need the area right close around the vertices colored. This can be done in 3ds max.
LoboTommy, what is flood fill?
It works like the paint bucket tool in an image editor. Shift K is the shortcut.
This may help:
I knocked together a script also. Open or paste in a text window, Alt P. More comprehensive instructions are within.
# Vertex Paint Flood Fill: Selected Faces Only
# By LoboTommy, circa Blender 2.78, 20161218.
# All rights reserved to this script.
# No claims made to content produced with it.
# This script is cursed worse than Frogurt.
# Fairly warned be thee.
# Commented out instructions below:
# Once: Isolate object on an empty layer. View-port > M key.
# Open a Text Editor window.
# Create a new text block and paste this script into it.
# Repeat: Set a color in Vertex Paint mode.
# Tab into Edit mode and select the faces to be painted.
# !!Partially selected faces will halt the script before painting!!
# Use face select rather than edge or vertex.
# !!Can't have all vertices selected, this will halt the script!!
# Equivalent to Shift K anyway.
# Mouse over the Text Editor window, hit Alt P to run the script.
# If successful you'll see your vertex color applied.
# If not check for extra objects. Ctrl Z if needed.
# Make note of the vertex count also. It shouldn't increase,
# but may decrease due to doubles removal.
# More comments / notes / caveats amongst the code:
import bpy
# Split mesh to avoid interpolation artefacts.
# Bug? Hack? Check DCC interchange preservation.
# Apply selected color to selected vertices.
# Join split objects back together.
# Dumb, so quarantine object in own layer.
# To do: Detect empty layers or filter objects?
# Dumb! Cleans up ALL duplicated vertices.
# Not just those created by the script.
# To do: Selectively preserve duplicate vertices.
# Back to color selection step.
The marking of vertices is to pinpoint mark all vertices after they are selected. I am modeling a sofa with chamfered vertices that are pulled in to give the sofa a tufted look. This application can be seen on the sofa tutorial on cg arena by a Mr. Keshta. Their are video files there for the sofa. LoboTommy I tried to load the script into 2.78a but it would not load. Thanks for your effort. I just want colored vertices. Not the faces at all. This selecting of vertices and coloring is done in edit mode.