Adding more geometry in a cylinder

I am modeling an airplane, namely A380. Here’s an image showing the problematic area. (but this is not what I use as an reference image in blender)

I started with a cylinder and now I want to add wings but I am finding difficult time how to do the “base” of the wing which is a bulky roundy shape attached to the plane hull (cylinder).

Do you guys have any tips how to go about adding geometry that is symmetrical from which I could start extruding the wings? Simple object manipulation by adding subsurface, selecting faces and extruding etc. seems very error prone as I want to create a symmetrical and smooth base (of the wing).

Maybe I could create the base as separate object and join it to the hull?

Thanks in advance!

Hey Yaxes74,

Have you adding edge loops to your cilinder?
This will add extra vertices, then you can delete some faces to create a hole, smoothen it and extrude your wing.

And for the geometry you can simply use a mirror modifier.

Hi Appie,

Thanks for the suggestions. I have actually several loops in the cylinder so I can nicely divide the cylidner into a “base” and rest of the hull and create a hole. If I select the edge loop around the hole to be extruded it becomes way too sharp. And the base is not actually same shape as the wing if you look the image.

Mirror modifier works well with the modeling but it do not solve the issue how to get started with a nice round “base” of the wing.

Cheers, Jax

Model it as a separate object, then adjust the topology of the hull to “receive” the additional loops from the wing, and join them, either by hand, or using a boolean + clean up.

Hi Stan!

Thanks for the tips. I ended up doing like you propose. I am now modeling it as a separate object.
I know how to use boolean modifier but what you mean by “receiving” additional loops?

Cheers, Jax

The wing will end up with edge loops that don’t follow any loops on the hull. Edges on a cylindrical shape (the fuselage) mainly flow along it; connecting the wing, however, will also require loops that go across. Good thing about modelling it as a separate object is that you don’t damage the topology of the fuselage until the very end, when you already know exactly what edges you’ll need and where.