Adding multiple booleans

I am new to the group, I am sorry in advance if this is not the right place to post this question.

I am just practicing at my pace learning things in the software. I wanted to make a cube with a bunch of holes through it. I was able to do it for most of them, but on top and bottom side of the cube I’m having issues where it’s not showing through (see below picture). Can anyone help me? I’m sorry if I’m not explaining myself correctly I don’t know what the correct terminology is through everything yet.

Boolean cube.blend (847.9 KB)

You could always apply your modifiers and then delete the resulting faces, unless there is a reason to have active modifiers. Another thing that can help is having the three boolean tools as on object and only have one modifier to make the difference and see if that helps the calculation.

Thanks for letting me know. Since I am new though, I have no idea how do what your talking about.

The apply button on each of the modifiers will apply the modifier and make it permanent, then you can go into edit mode on the cube and delete the offending polygons. This way will work out the best.

I figured how to move “the capped” booleans in the option mode. I just had to change the direction (the up-and-down arrows) in the modifiers panel. That just “capped” the right and left ones tho instead of the up-and-down ones. If that makes sense. Still can’t figure out how to change it.

Just upgraded to 2.81. Traitor redo what I was doing previously to see if starting from scratch would help. Now, I’m not getting them to show up at all. I’m just getting a small indentation where the boolean should be. Any help would be appreciated.