I wanted to make a green eraser. I wanted to texture the eraser with my own color (green) through blender. But I wanted a word on the top of that says “selectum”. So I made a word in gimp, and saved it as jpg. I took the top face and clicked “unwrap” and uv-mapped the text onto the top of the eraser.
The eraser shows up comletely white (my text background), so it hid blender’s color underneath, and it repeats itself many times. I read that I can make the background of image transparent, but how do I turn on transparency in blender? And how do I disable texture repeat? I also tried importing a png, and it shows up all black…
Attached is my blender file. Thanks a lot for nay help! I did a lot of modeling with blender, but just recently started texturing.
eraser.blend (148 KB)