[Addon-Collection]...MetaTool 2.72...

!!!..MetaTool 1.0 for 2.72 + Menus…!!!

Hy everyone!

> this is a collection of uncommercial Addons from all over
> this list does not claim completeness

> you can find the original addons over the included list
> all scripts have info from the authors on the top: bl_Info{…}
> if you find a bug or you need help: let me know…

Have Inspiration & Fun!!!

…!!! MetaTool Update History !!!..

The newest Version for 2.74 / Update_#06:

#04_download the zip here:

#04_the same here:

> Production Folder under Im-Export
> with a alternate File Menu & Header Version
> with a small: how to rename folder setup

> CopyShop
> Alternate MetaTool

> Pose Mode
> Transfer Normals
> 3d View Property Extensions
> Bug Fixes

> Delete: Clean Orphan (delete mesh data etc.)
> Rename: Batch Renamer (object+data+präfix, etc.)
> Converter: Curve to Mesh (non destruktiv / CAD)

TAB = Tool Shelf [T] / left side
UI = Property Shelf [N] / right side

> UI-TAB -> Main Panel right / Extension in Tool Shelf
> TAB-TAB -> Main TAB Panel left / Extension in Tool Shelf
> TAB-UI -> Main TAB Panel levt / Extension in Property Shelf

…Single Menus…

List of Class & Idname for single Hotkey Menu:

MetaTool - new Display Menu - Update #01


> try to hold the hotkey…

…tweak like you need…

…Spacebar Menu…

There also some pie menu spacebar templates for your own pie menu creation…

…tweak like you need…

…Install Instruction…

It will be all install into the AppData Direction (Hidden Folder):

C:\Users…“Your_PC_Name”…\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.72\scripts\addons

If you go under the AppData Direction, you can hidden your setting with a rhombus for the version folder you whant to test.

hidden = #2.72

when you start blender again you have a complete clean version > then install MetaTool

Now you have a new settings folder in the App Data Direction.

And if you want, copy & past all your needed setting from the hidden folder to the new settings folder.

> for a quick update from version to a other version
> you can replace the scripts in the view3d_meta_toolkit_panel folder
> got to the appdata direction or uninstall, replace and install metatool new:

> to remove a addons in the folder completly
> you have to delete the specific PhytonScript > “changed_XXXX.py”
> delete in the “init” script everything with the same name (import, register, etc…)
> if you do that correctly, the buttons of that addon will not pop up anymore…

mkbreuer, do you have a list of addons that need to be uninstalled before this addon will install? Any other meta addons? etc. Do they need to be uninstalled under app data/ roaming as well.Thanks

mkbreuer, no luck installing from addons_external in 2.72b. The addon will not activate. No other addons activated. I tried to activate it in 2.72 but it would not activate perhaps because I had other meta addons activated. I will now try it with a freshh install of 2.72.

I will look at your preview, unzip your file and install out of the 2nd or 3rd folder or forth folder and see if that works.

Are the 1DScripts included?

I installed from the tab-ui folder. The addon is activated now. Thanks

If you go under the AppData Direction, you can hidden your setting with a rhombus for the version folder you whant to test.

C:\Users.…“Your_PC_Name”…\AppData\Roaming\Blen der Foundation\Blender\2.72\scripts\addons

hidden = #2.72

when you start blender again you have a complete clean version > then install MetaTool

Now you have a new settings folder in the App Data Direction.

And if you want, copy & past all your needed setting from the hidden folder to the new settings folder.

Download address missing?
I need help , i can not find the address to down!

How do you activate wazou’s pie menues?

There are now PIE Menus in it!!!

From wazou comes the window split and editor view funktion in this menu:

there are new links >

or the same here:

I know the pie menues are there. Which do I activate in your pie menus file to get wazou’s? Your attachment above does not show up. Or which do you recommend if you can.Thanks

When I hit the shortcut keys, no pie menu shows up in the 3dview.

The Pie Menus in the Zip are all on Spacebar.
Open the Text Editor > run the script > and press spacebar

They are more snippet template and not finish.
Change it like you need!

for more menus look to the official pie menu thread:

I will install icekings tools and the rest that go with it and see if I can get yhe 3dmenues to show up.

Two Ways to install the Display Menus:

  1. complete > install the zip

  2. open the zip and install the menus as single

On the bottom of each script you find wich shortcut i have choose for:

def register():

    wm = bpy.context.window_manager
    kc = wm.keyconfigs.addon
    if kc:
        km = kc.keymaps.new(name='Window')
        <b>kmi = km.keymap_items.new('wm.call_menu', 'BACK_SLASH', 'PRESS', alt = True)</b>    ### change if you want 
                                                                                                                       #### The Type of Event    
        kmi.properties.name = "htk_ViewExtendMenu"    ###use for manually install                                              

def unregister():


    wm = bpy.context.window_manager
    kc = wm.keyconfigs.addon
    if kc:
        km = kc.keymaps['Window']
        for kmi in km.keymap_items:
            if kmi.idname == 'wm.call_menu':
                if kmi.properties.name == "":

if __name__ == "__main__":

Look into the zip folder > 08_Key Configurations < for the short how to.

If a Menu will not pop up, you have to go into the user prefernce and install it manually.

To add new Hotkeys use > wm.call_menu <
and the IDNAME > properties.name = “htk_ViewExtendMenu” < from the registry

You have also disable some default shortcuts, example: W for Special Menu.

Use the Key Binding to find them.

You added ‘origin to bottom’ function. Very nice. I’m sure I will discover all sorts of treats as I explore this treasure chest of scripts.