[ADDON] EWOCprojects presents PreSel

version 0.4.8

@ba_fjg : tweak should work? (0.4.8)
I dont think preselection should work during Bkey Ckey: its not functional
I fixed F1 and F2µ
fixed the global undo thing
you can use any release you want, this should work on ALL

One thing also : when loading a blend file, PreSel will stop automatically, youll have to reclick start to start it again (no solution for this yet)

Control click on a face? What do you mean? It just selects the face here…

if you select one face and them with ctrl press and select another face to complete a loop is like a manual loop selection you specify the path

Well, this is looking awesome - already easier to pin-point and select small components or components that are far from camera. Really cool. I can’t find any more major bugs with functionality, but I have a few visual suggestions to run by you all.

White outline on polygon preselection - keep or remove?
I think the current white outline around polygons is a bit misleading since it seems that edges will also be selected. The other components don’t have this white part so its a bit inconsistent.

Limit selection to visible - dim components on far side of object.
Would it be possible to dim the preselection highlight (like the wireframe) so that its more obvious that the preselected component is actually on the other side of the object? (there are some brightness issues with selected components on opposite side of object with 0.4.2, but not major issue).

Edit: wow, your fast will test 0.4.8 now…

Edit2: tested 0.4.8 those issues seem fixed! :slight_smile:

this white line around polygon it suppose to be the same color of the face but more lighter color not white

yeah - maybe your right. Just seems strange when the preselection is not under the cursor…

actually, do you mean it can’t be done?

Ok, no prob. I was actually thinking of how to incorporate it into all the individual selection modes, and the combinations (edges+faces, verts+edges, etc). Its so varied that I ended up back to making it all one color.

Haha, always amazing to see you work : )
I confirm the select face path not working. I like the face outline color.
The preselection stays when you hover the mouse away from the object (when an element is selected) - I think this should be fixed.

I suppose it CAN be done, but I wont be doing it. :wink:

This is a persistent problem and the solution is being held back by a bug in Blender… The bug has been reported.

The line around the face is really not that misleading… I suppose the user will know soon enough its only the face being highlighted…
More ideas about this?

Concerning the dimming of backelements: this is possible, only what to do when elements are only partly obscured, cause with current API its impossible to find which part of the element is behind and which is in front…

No problem. ‘Misleading’ was probably too strong of a word choice on my part.

Hmm. Tough one… I don’t know. Lets forget I even mentioned it… :slight_smile:


Thanks for all the work on this - I find it very useful!

version 0.4.9

face path select should be fixed… please test

@ba_fjg : Im just as excited about this addon as you are, will try to make it work perfect in some time. Thanks all for the testing.

good morning pelajed the fix you made to the face presel contour edge to be the same color as the face but more lighter is white again

  • wen selecting a vertex, edge or face the presel keep flashing in the selection
  • i think there is a bug with mirror modifier let me do some more test

version 0.4.10

new feature : theres now two colour settings, one for the colour used when the highlighted element is selected, and one for non selected
this gives visual information about the selection state of the highlighted element!

@kakachiex2 : maybe you have chosen a very light colour for the face colour? then a lighter shade will be white…
further the outline feature still works ok here

ok i found a nasty bug and i don’t know if this is a blender or presel the cause

  • first toggle full screen, presel need to be active

  • loopcut the default cube in half

  • change to vertex mode > select an active vertex > select menu > side of active

  • change selection to face mode > invert selection > delete the inverted selection

  • minimize the viewport > and move mouse to the property panel Blender crash

  • wen mirror modifier is active the default blender vertex selection gradient disappear

  • the mirror part of the mesh don’t respect presel highlight

i don’t not if I explain correctly

New color settings are nice!

Couple issues:

Loop select for faces (CTRL, not ALT) occasionally selects more than the desired loop. To test:
-On a default grid, CTRL select upper left, then lower right, then lower left. Loop is connected, but should be open.
-Side note - the resulting loop that is selected when preselection is on differs from when preselection is turned off… for verts and edges, the resulting loops are the same regardless if preselection is used or not.

Flickering preselection when selecting multiple groups of components. (This may already be known/reported)
-‘C’ select a group of faces
-Hover over another section of same object
-preselection flickers between new unselected components and last selected component of previous grouping.

Good find! I tried to repeat your bug but blender crashed on the second step, so maybe its due to full screen (expanded viewport). By full screen I’m using CTRL + up arrow to expand the viewport, but blender is also in fullscreen mode.

first problem -> what do you mean by “minimize the viewport”

Mirror modifier:

  • the vertex selection gradient disappears without PreSel also
  • when selecting in the mirror part highlights the respective vertex in the other half, theres no way for me to know you are selecting in the mirror part, I look into a system that highlights in both halves at the same time, thats possible

i mean toggle full screen