[Addon] Grease Pencil Groups++

Hello folks, (this is my first post in this community :smiley:)

About a year ago I made an addon that added groups features to the -freaking awesome- Grease Pencil (and more functionalities! (That why the “++” (to be honest, is also kinda my playground for adding every feature I personally miss in Grease Pencil))).


I’ve been receiving very positive feedback recently, and despite in terms of “promoting it”, I really never cared about it (and is a labour I don’t like tbh :expressionless:), I personally think that it deserves some love and I’m pretty proud about it.

Here is a little “trailer” showing a bit of it:

I took some inspiration in other graphic softwares like -my beloved- Krita (the inherited alpha system is inspired Krita):
inherit alpha 1

I implemented other functionalities that are crucial IMHO, like an integrated color picker to directly sample colours under the brush with just a key:
pick faster 1

Also implemented things like solo modes both for visibility :eye: and lock state :lock:

(I always say that the solo lock :lock: EXTREMELY USEFUL both when sculpting and when weight painting strokes. Makes rigging 2D characters so much easier, IMHO).

I’ve put a special effort for making it super easy to use (like making easy to move layers/groups, to add new elements, etc).

I’m constantly updating it, since at the end, I’m using it daily, and everytime I think “hey, would be cool if X”, I implement that X".

Tbh I personally won’t be able to use Grease Pencil anymore without it, it boosts my workflow a lot.

I decided to open this thread because I think it would be a nice place where the community could give some feedback. I’m always open to listen to other’s ideas. Already implemented a few things users told me.
The truth is, if its good, doable and will help you with your workflow, I will probably do it :wolf:.

Here is the Gumroad link:

And here is the manual :blue_book:

Thanks for reading and for your attention, have a nice day :four_leaf_clover: