[AddOn] Icarus Motion Tracker import script for Blender 2.57


i updated the original icarus 3D import script from ‘Alfredo de Greef’ aka ‘eeshlo’ for usage in blender 2.57.

It is working with:
Blender 2.57 (build 36339)
Python 3.2
Icarus Calibration 2.07 ( http://www.colinlevy.com/tuts/IcarusTutorials/Icarus.php )

You can find the download at the german blender community blendpolis.de
>>> http://www.blendpolis.de/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=34592

To install the addon you have to save it under the directory path:
simply create the directories if they don’t exist yet.

After that you can activate the addon in the ‘User Preferences’ menu.

have fun

scrim, thanks man.