[addon] Mesh Deformer

Thanks for the update Imdjs… I’m still unable to get this to run though. Is there any info that I can give that might help get this more stable?

I download and test ,It works fine in my machine in 32bit win7 or 64bit win7.I have no idea why you still can’t run it.
by the way I download the blender version compiled with vc12 .

you need to select two mesh at the same time ,otherwise the bind button will go gray。

It’s not work :frowning:

thank you for the report, but this error never occur in my system,from your screenshot I guess It’s the system language issue,however I disable all the print function in the init.py file and reload it again。

I’m sorry, but now when I try addon ON:

last time is my falt ,the error does happen to me ,I didn’t test It before I reupload.
I hope this time It works.

Next error, when I try ON. :frowning:

well I think I understand why this error happen to you but not me ,maybe the blender2.70 can’t read the dll file name in unicode character?
howevery this time I have changee the dll file name to pure english.
MeshDeformer 0.1.2(blender2.70).zip (107 KB)

@imdjs Yes, Now it’s work! Thank you! :smiley: Cool Addon! I must add to Blenderaddonlist

@floo thank you for your Patience

@imdjs No problem! MeshDeform is cool for transfering shapes:

Imdjs, the script worked perfectly. This will be a huge asset for me.

what a nice scripts! thanks!

This seems to be just what I have been needed. Thank you!

linux version pls !! :slight_smile: why is it a binary file

the dll file is c code which can access the shapekey data directly and calculates the weight faster.

Forgive me if I’m missing something, but I don’t see a way to have this update on the fly, which limits its usefulness as an animation tool somewhat. What would it take to turn this into a modifier?

this addon can’t update mesh in realtime ,you need to do it manually by pressing the update button ,I can’t find a way to make addon acts like a modifier,maybe this is the limitation of addon.

Any news of this pluging? It would be extremely useful for many tasks (it reminds me skin wrap in max). is it becoming in a modifier finally? That would be really cool!
