Addon: Object Linker (work in progress)

this is my first addon. with this addon you can link/append objects from other blend-files
i started to write this addon because i work on a bge game where i want to link objects.
it is more than the build-in link/append function. you can select objects in a object-list or sort them by category.

it has a bug at the moment, if you install the addon and safe the user settings, then the list where you can select these objects (see second image) is empty.
at the moment you have to update the list.

i have planned some more features: showing an image of the object in the panel, showing information about the object (some are implemented(see first image), missing: for example license of the object, warnings, used textures.

i also planned a feature to import object-groups, LOD and a random object from a group

it is still in development and the status is like a “test”-status at the moment, but i hope that it will be useful for projects like the project gooseberry too.


Great addon!
A musthave for sure!


i have updated my addon

i fixed a lot of bugs like the update-bug
the ui does not change so much.

when you install this addon you can select objects in the tool shelf under object linker. the image preview is under the properties panel in the object - tab, because i had update problems with the preview in the tool shelf area.

you can choose another path for the objects to link them from (normally it uses the path where the addon is located)

i have two object sets to link objects from. The first one contains sample arrows and signs (selfmade, CC0) and the other one contains objects from the yofrankie game (cc by 3.0), taken from

you can customize your sets in the objects.txt file (for every set one file) and settings.txt for all sets.
you can read more about this in the file setting-examples


  • choose between different objects from different files to import

  • choose between link or append

  • showing an image of the object in the ui

  • showing information about the selected object

  • better sample sets to import objects than before

  • customize your addon with a setting file (which information to show in the info-box)

  • choose object by category

there are still some features missing: group import, random out of group and LOD - import

Cool addon, this fills a specific role that seems to have been overlooked(posibly). I look forward to a smoother workflow when linking my objects.

Link to download is dead. It’s any chance to upload?

it works now, there were some issues with the server, but these are solved now

Hey rubberduck,
thank you for this addon. This function is a must have for Blender. It is to complicated to organisate all objekts for new Blender Projects. I tryed to programming an addon with this function too, but my python isn’t good. I hope that you didn’t stoped to develop this addon and I wish to see more from you.

Can I add a features for your to do list? :slight_smile: I see that you create an Image folder. It is very nice If I can see the Thumbnail before I link the objekt in to my current project.



would this addon work with groups or armatures and its children? or is it just mesh by mesh?

i work on group import, so armature and parented objects should work too.
i also planned to support random object out of group (for example useful for plants) and LOD.

group import works now, also random object and random group, Lod is still missing

parented objects lose their parent-relationship, but i think i can’t solve this problem now.

so you have to reparent it then.

i have a new version now and it supports random objects, groups and LOD, it also supports something like a random group with LOD objects

So how do I link object from another .blend file ? It doesnt allow to select files, only folder.

“So how do I link object from another .blend file ? It doesnt allow to select files, only folder.”
indeed :frowning:

exactly my question. This is contrary to blender’s internal method of linking and appending.