SculpTkt - a toolkit for sculptors

Hi @jeacom,

Just tried Sculpt Toolkit and I really like it. I’ll buy it from Blender Market today.

Some feedback:

  • Overall I think it’s a very convenient and useful addition for sculpting in Blender. :+1:
  • I miss the relatively new 2D Falloff option in the Sculpt Mode options.
  • If you could implement Topology Rake as a switch in stead of a factor, that’d be great (switched on = full factor of 1). Additionally, a global Topology Rake toggle for all brushes would also be very welcome. I use the function most of the time.
  • The headers of the drop-down menus are overlapped by the menus, so you have to move your pointer away from a menu header to access the next one (unless you go to a header at the left side of the current one).
  • Ideally, I’d love to be able to set the delay time for a drop-down menu to appear. In my case I’d love to see them unfold instantly.
  • Would it be possible to add the Sculpt brush Falloff curve?
  • Being able to determine a depth for the Slash Cutter would be great, so you can create partial cutouts / indents.
  • Shape options for the Slash Cutter would also be very nice (square, circle, ellipse, ngon).
  • It’d also be great if you could determine the Sculpt Toolkit shortcut key in the Preferences.
  • The Add Mask Deform option is a bit different than I expected. In a Sculpt Toolkit video I saw a custom manipulator, slightly similar to the ZBrush Transform Gizmo. But in the 2.8 version there’s two Empty objects you have to select and manipulate separately.
  • I really like the three-step mask extract option. :+1:
  • Mask Tools has a great option to use the Loop Tools Relax function on the borders of an extracted mask, resulting in smooth borders. It’d be very cool to also have that in Sculpt Toolkit.
  • Additionally, creating smooth-bordered inward / outward extrusions from masks would also be very welcome.
  • I’d love more mask options, such as expand / shrink mask, smooth / sharpen mask, cavity masking and saving / loading masks as vertex groups, vertex weights or vertex color channels.
  • A last, very minor aesthetic note: the Slash Cutter has a little typo: it now reads “Slash Cuter”. It’s a cute function, that’s true. :wink:

Thanks for your great work!