[Addon] - Selection Restrictor

nice, I’ve rewritten the ui so it’s vertical
I’ll look at JoseConseco’s addition too.
Great Addon.


Thank you all… looking nice :slight_smile:

will you have it hosted on your collection?

Meta-Androcto, do you have a version of 2.76b you would recommend?

burnin, it’s in there now.
bkjernisted, I get blender fresh each week from buildbot, I’ll try to put up a build 2.77a on graphicall next few days.

Meta-Androcto, you misunderstood my question. I am, asking about 2.76b, not 2.77a. Sorry and thanks!

@JoseConseco, thanks!
@Meta-Androcto, I can’t find where to download your script in your collection. Can you give link to script?

Needs 2 things: Meta androcto’s version needs an icon, like an Arrow or something, and also a button to restrict everything but the selected object, and unrestrict all.

Good addon !
Can we have inversed selection and multiple filter until the menu drop down (in header) ?