[Addon] TheBounty renderer, the evolution of a classic.

Well… I do not implement this algorithm. Only I have checked and updated it to work with the current version of TheBounty.
In any case, I have realized some progress to optimize the times of render. Because the original implementation, he was calculating several types (single scattering and multi-scattering) I am doing some tests to calculate only a type of scattering, according to the type of lighting.

( I also need improve my English…)

HI… I am very busy lately with the daily job, with not have free time for publishing new advances on TheBounty. But the work continue, of course. The intention is the release the 0.1.6 stable version before the new year. Meanwhile, I am adding more stability and some improvement of the code.

…and with the new year, an new feature, long time waited by the users:!! ¡ MATERIAL NODES!! But first, the new stable release. (The new one after forking code)
Merry Christmas!!

Since the fork, more than a year ago, TheBounty is an separate project. With our own feature planning and our development targets.

Interesting tests find in vimeo https://vimeo.com/150204080

bug report: if the image texture name (includes the directory name) has non-English characters( in my case, Chinese), yafray will not use this image file. Sorry, the encoding/decoding in python always messes my mind, I have tried to fix this peoblem but without success.

I think this bug has been there from the beginning, same was with scandinavian letters “öäå”, pathname/filename.

Hello all…
TheBounty Release 0.1.6 delayed, waiting for Blender 2.77 because this version include the change to Python 3.5. Is not good idea making new binaries using Python 3.4 only for a few days.

Meanwhile I use these days for writing more code for nodes.

congratulations moovin forward

will traditional method to set material be erased?

Hi Oyster.
You can decide if want use nodes…

…or traditional mode.

But this code is an ‘work in progress’ and some options can change.

Hello, I visited the webpage and the github but I didn’t find updates, I’m glad I found this thread. Thank you for The bounty I always thought Yafaray had the potential to become the best render Blender have had.

Keep up the good work, you are doing a better and faster job than the boys of Yafaray.

Hello… If you refer to nodes updates, are not on github. Is an very WIP task with a lot of debris code. When I have an functional version, then i want updating the repository.

To continue the development was the principal reason to create this fork. Perhaps it is not the best engine, but with little work we can achieve that it is a good option of render inside Blender.

More work… ‘blend’ material UI improvements:


thank you. But I must say, new blender make me always see the viewport expecting living material show while watching your video; I dunno whether it is a good habit.

What do you mean exactly?

I mean, viewport realtime rendering (shift+z) has made me lazy. So if possible, I hope TheBounty/Yafaray have this feature laterly.

Yes, this feature is in my mind for a long time ago, but now the priority is the new stable release.

Really the new grass looks good now, and surprisingly, is very fast rendered with Bidirectional pathtracing.
