[addons] hair collector (a hair collection tool,C++)

This addons can collect hair points selection as a preset and reuse them at any time. It saves you the trouble of repeatedly selecting hairs and saves master time. the selection function is using C++ code to implement, scine there is no bpy api to do that. The current feature is relatively simple, but more features will be added in future versions, For example, you can generate preview icons from screenshots...

to use:
first ,you need a mesh with particle hair,in the edit mode select some point of hair guide that you want to save as selection. click the + button.
if you want some hair selection remove from the previous selection preset . select some points and click the remove button.

you can get it on gumroad:


Hi , Ive bought this addon but cannot make it to work .Its need special directions or paths for installations, because no instructions are included. I just installed as usual for addons. After installation I ve selected the objects with hair but I get this error messages in the console.Any suggestion ?Thanks in advance

Hi @negativecitizen
thank you for the error report, I have fix that problem immediately and re-upload the file.

Hey Thank you imdjs .Already Works !!! Great idea also.

Seems that 2.83 bring some changes and Collection hair addon doesn´t work rightnow . :frowning:
I hope we can have a version for 283 release .
Thanks for all the work imdjs

Are you there Guang ? :frowning: help please

ok ,I will update to 2.83 later. since I’m still using 2.82.

Thanks , Greetings

Looks good, default hair particles when comb hairs goes inside the mesh. Any option in this addon. Thanks

have been updated to blender2.83.

Thanks very much