Addup indices after join geometry

Hi, (this is a maximally reduced version of a much more complicated patch)
I have two instantiation procedures and realizing them, and finally joining them. Afterwards again I need
the indices of all instances, now put together as one set of index attributes from 0-14. How can I addup all initial indices?
I also tried “Sample Index”, but couldn`t get a solution. The “join geoemtry” must be after “realize instances” in my patch. Thanks for help.

The node that you commented does not add 10 + 5.

It adds the corresponding index values of the two fields.
0 +0
1 + 1
2 + 2

And since one field is smaller than the other:

5 + 0
6 + 0
7 + 0

And so on.

This is a bit crazy but it works - you have to add one to the 2nd series’ index so you can do a double not which acts as a mask to adding the 2nd series’ indices (the multiply is the mask). You have to remember to subtract 1 again before adding the count of the 1st series, and then adding them together.

Good luck.

@Lumpengnom , no, it doesn’t have anything to do with indices (check your spreadsheet)- its the fact that for the 2nd capture you need to do something extra to disambiguate between the 0 index capture and the no-capture 0.


Wow. Thank you!

Ah, I see. How about simply adding the domain size of the first Mesh Line to the Indices that are caputred from the second Mesh Line. That seems to work:


Ah! Is logic. Thank you