Advanced Addons Installer

Advanced Addons Installer

Browser to directly apply things on selection, when confirm

video of presentation

1-install/reload selected ADDON(S)

“Update” option (in browser):

  • on: install greater version number. reload if same
  • off: previous version allowed (actual version disabled)
    avoids dupplicates and fake modules

2-install folder as an addon

  • detecting “” inside

3-install/reload active file from TEXT EDITOR

4-run scripts (single file .py with no bl_info)

5-location and options

-Blender icon menu:

  • install/reload addon (allows to put it in all Quick favorites)

-File menu

  • restart (blender)

-in the default blender installer (in properties)

  • last installed addons
  • disable/enable all addons
  • remove fake-modules
  • clean “missing scripts”
  • clean dupplicates and lower versions

-advanced addons installer browser

  • same menu that the one before in blender properties
  • Installed addons from folder
  • Install from list

-text editor

  • creates a quick favorite ‘Ctrl+Q’
  • “Addon from text editor” in text menu

N.B you can check messages in the console


I fixed multi addon installation. error of indentation…


Huge thank you! with lots of blender versions and tons of addons versions it’s absolutely must have feature!

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Can I suggest a feature?:

  • Generate a folder (letting the user chose the path) containing all the addons added&enabled by the user -> within that folder it create a readme file containing all the names of the enabled addons (including the bundled ones within Blender, which are listed in the bottom/top part)
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New feature added to enable/disable all addons at once


the last feature is super usefull if you lose your properties after a bug…so do a list and save it somewhere

new version with big updates


Hi! Thank you for update! have a question - is it possible to implement auto cleaning hotkeys of deleted addons? sometimes it not happens while addon uninstalling…