Advanced fabric material

So I am working on a bunch of furniture. And have a question about fabric material. you know those fabrics that have like really really short hair? often used on sofas and such. like when you move you’re hand over it you can “draw” on it. Basicly you kind of shapes the hair by changing the direction they are pointing or something that, like it shades different.
Its hard to explain lol but hope you guys understand like what type of fabric i am talking about. You can kind of see it on this pic

So here is my work.

Here are the material for the fabric

I used dirt vertex for the darker seams.

So any tips on how to improve the shader? btw, feedback appreciated :slight_smile:

There is Velvet node which is supposed to give sheen and light spread on surface like you describe. Try combining that and use attenuated by ColorRamp LayerWeight Facing for mixing shaders.

Thank you Sir!

So the first picture is without the Velvet, and the second; with. Does it look better? what do you guys think? I personally think so.

Had nothing but to compare jpg’s which do have their artifacts - not a best format if you want clean result; png is much better.
This is difference between images you posted. See yourself if that was it

I am aware of PNG.
here are the blend btw

So i have redone the whole node set-up, because the old one was stupidly large.

Here are the new node set-up