Advanced Fluent Mech

For this mech, I really don’t have an actual name to call it. It was created using Fluent for boolean operations, Hardops for sharp edges, and quick access to different modifiers and knife booleans. Mesh machine was used to add wedges, perform boolean cleanups, fuse and offset cuts. Machin3tools aided in offsetting edges, edge-constrained transformations, and view focus (which helps me center around working parts temporarily). This project was interesting to make, but it’s only in the early stages and lacks a detailed environment. I use a subdivision workflow when necessary, but it’s not my favorite due to lag on my PC and the considerable time and patience required. Nonetheless, I thought it would add a cool touch.


Looks like a lot of hard work how long did this take? Might look cool with a Random Flow Spaceship in the background. Your hard surfacing detail is skillful but personally I think you could do a lot with different colors, textures, decals ect or even kitbash.

I took 5 days to model it. My PC isn’t suitable for rendering. The GPU is Nvidia 330m in a mid-2010 Mac.

I’m just saying, a lot of game models look high poly but are actually just textured with baked displacement images. And this seems more like that. Even if you had some tubes or wire cloth sims that had pin points in the geometry you would still have a nice looking model given the shapes you’ve already established. It would also be a breeze to IK rig and animate it with the light load. I would look into baking some of this. There is a greate tutorial by Markinom. Cheers!

Okay, thanks.