Advanced Mango Juice Shader and Material [WIP]


I have been working on a Mango Juice Project where I’ve been trying to develop a high quality Mango Juice Shader for some splash animations. It’s necessary to visualize the fluid density by showing the lower density splash area to be almost transparent and higher density area to be less transparent but a good balance of SSS in it as well.
I’m attaching a reference image and my current work in progress with shader nodes. How can I improve this shader to be as close to reference or even better?
Looking forward to the support from amazing artists in this community. Thank you in advance~
Note: I have used Blender 3.3.1 and Flip Fluids 1.5 Addon for this Project

ALSO: If anyone has a similar shader developed/for sale please let me know.

Here are the embedded links to my reference, personal wip and node setup:
Shader Node Setup
Reference and Personal Progress