I started working on this game a few days ago and it’s turned out pretty good! the game is a 2D side scrolling game where you’re an egg (Egg Man) who is called on by the king of Egg World to stop the evil ostrich egg Bart from taking over the land.
Every thing in the game is just a plane with an Alpha texture so it’s SUPER low poly… I think the first level on has around 130 faces (around 400 vertices)… All the textures are 512x512 and made by me in GIMP. There is no code what so ever (other than the 2 lines to make it show to mouse pointer but that doesn’t count… xD ) it’s all done with logic bricks… also done all by me…
I have the menu, how to play and first level done it just has some bugs in it… I’m ironing those out right now and I’ll post a demo when I’m done… it should not take too long…
so the game play is pretty simple… you just roll around with the arrow keys and use the mouse to click on things to drop bridges, put out fires, detonate bombs, ect, ect, ect…
oh! almost forgot… It’s all in GLSL so you need a GLSL compatable graphics card to play :o
Okay here is the .blend
I hate using rapid share but media fire isn’t working for me at the moment so it will have to do for now… I’ll try to get it on media fire as soon as I can!
Tell me what you think
Edit: I also put an “ester egg” in there for you to find xD
Ha ha ha, that was fun. I really enjoyed your game even though I have a really bad graphics card and no GLSL. The game was playable (I could tell they were all plains, but that is my cpu’s fault) and ran smoothly. Nice theme, no violence, simple and flowable movements and best of all nice user interaction.
Please keep up the good work, there are so many FPS’s that basically end noware their almost all the same with diffrent names. But this work is diffrent.
Nice Game, I like it, though after you get past the part where the guy says, “I swear I have no clue how that bomb got there” what do you fo after the bridge? Or is that the end for now?
just a little heads up! there’s not always a 100% chance I’ll be able to get on here and update this so if there’s no update for a while it’s not cause I quite.
I’ve desided that since this was never suposed to be a full game I’m going to put it down for a while… I need to practice some other things… I might pick it back up some time though
I loved it. You explained the gameplay mechanics just perfectly. I loved how you let us figure out how to get past the fire. (the solution was obvious but that’s what made it good)
Well done. Let me know when you start working on a new project. (unless you’re still going to finish this)
I’d love to watch it.
I’m not sure if I’ll finish this one… at the moment I’m going to hold off on it cause I need to practice some stuff… I might come back to it and I’ve also got an idea for another 2d game… we’ll see what happens