faces arent absolutely symmetrical. Some asymmetry even almost imperceptible gives greater realism.
inner part of eyes doesnt show enough capillary coloring I think and the sweep of the eyeids as they flow into the inner corners of the eyes seems slightly too wide.
red heads skin if natural would have freckling even if its slight.
Have you got SSS on for the skin?
No doubt others with expertise will give you their views.
hey bunc , and thx , yes i agree with the corner of the eyes that will be fixed, and the eyes themselfs. yes i do use sss, more clear if u see the ears i do have som freckles and some inperfect artifacts in the skin, maybe i shoudle have more ? ,
i have textured it ( in sculpt ) asymmertrical , perhaps i need more of thoose ?
I Agree with what Bunc said. One more thing that might be throwing me off when I look at this, could be the lighting and the composition of it. I don’t know if this is how you are going to use the model but with the current stance and expression she has, she seems very lifeless because of her expression and it makes her seem almost plastic, even though the materials you have are really nice. If you’re intentionally making her seem cold and emotionless then there might another way of doing it, or it could use some tweaking.
One more thing I might say is that the skin seems a bit off. Like Bunc said, you might want to work around with SSS if you dont have some already. It’s hard to tell without a higher res rendering. Also skin has pores, and small details. The coloring of the lips could use some work.
This probably doesn’t help a lot , but something about the hair makes it seem kind of like a wig. I’m not exactly a pro on hair so I don’t have a lot of advice to give on that topic, but I think some work on the hair would do wonders.
Love what you have so far, I really enjoy the color choices.
One place I’d suggest adding asymmetry would be the hair. One other thing I find noticeable is the darkness/thickness of the eyelashes as if she is wearing really thick mascara - that’s OK, but then she’d probably wear a bit of eye shadow as well? I’d suggest you give her a simple rig and divert her gaze a little. One last thing is that her neck is really smooth and could probably do with a little sculpting.
Hi rybergs, that’s already a very good start. First it’s good that you switched from a smaller focal width to a larger one, because a small focal width always produces distortions regarding the anatomy. That’s why portrait photographers use longer lenses of 50mm and above.
I think people, including myself, always hesitate to give critiques if you are not asking explicitly for it. Now that you are asking, could you show us an orthographic side view, a 3/4 view and a front view without the hairs? I think the basic anatomy is there but we would be able to see the head and the facial features more clearly. It would not be bad if you could post your references too if possible.
The lips are modeled closed and that’s very obvious. I’d recommend to model a mouth cavity. That would add to the realism. The eyes need a caruncula. The shape of the eyes could be a bit more pronounced regarding the bow in the lower eyelids. It is a bit weird that the strands of the upper eyelashes point upwards. And they should be curved in the opposite direction. I agree on the mascara. It would be better to remove it at this stage. And I also think the neck is a bit thin.
I love the flow of the jaw line and the skin structure from what I can see in your image. Very feminine.
Everything minoribus says, (Especially 3/4 and profile shots) I’ve worked on a good number of faces, and have started to get a much better feel about what is off. This painted overlay shows what I think will push it closer to proper spacing/proportions. Very nice start.
so hey guys ive, taken the pics now in ortho… and the 3/4 , yes i use a 50 mm focal lenght . in this 3 images i have changed the lips a little thou not sure if its desiared but well …
as for the image references i have really not used any , and for some small parts like the lips i have just looked at a bunch of different on google.
here is a render without the eyelashes to show of the eyeshapes , and i also changed the ottom lips and jawl to the previous with hair , think its better but not sure.
im aiming for realism but i also want here to be semi young and beutiful ( even thou thats ofc is based on what one find beutiful ) and as u see i also fixed the hair so it isent as square as before
eyes narrower, reshape them, look at eyelash referecnes they clump especially on top on the outside. Iris should be desaturated, get a better color map, rework shader for cornea
chin slighlty broader
I like to keep the hair present when mdoeling, it greatly affects your sense of proportion, and greatly increases the female quality.
lips angled downward on the outside
brows arched upward, starting lower on the inside
IMHO , at the moment you have a healthy does of uncanny due to bad proportions and locations. This side by side, with things moved may show it clearer. Keep going with it for sure.
hello and thx agien , so i did some changes . i made the noise smaller and pushed up the mouth area, fixed the form of the eyes and did try to make some eyelashes.
i changed the eyes aswell… what do u guys think ?
She looks decent in that last shot. Her expression is a bit doleful, but that’s all right. The neck could use a bit more definition – right now it looks more like her back than front.
What is regarded as beautiful isn’t as individually as one might think. There are certain common measurements that are seen as beautiful across different cultures. You may want to do a google search for “divine beauty mask”. Small variations make a face interesting. Huge divergences make it ugly. A search for “facial proportion rules” will also show lots of helpful images with rules of thumb for modeling.
What I did at some point was to fetch a free and anatomically correct model of a human skull and placed it in the head which I was modeling at that time. That has to fit into the modeled head. Especially the side view shows that there is room for improvement. Generally your head is stretched in the z direction.
Photox was right with his paint over, except the dome of the skull which has turned out way too high
Your last image shows that you are making very good progress. Keep it up
Some thing have been mentioned already.
Get rid of the symmetry, people are not symmetrical, not even pretty girls.
The eyes are quite big in an unnatural way. You probably focus on them a lot, I can see that you modeled the shape nicely but when you focus too much on something you tend to emphasize it unconsciously.
In general tho my advice would be to go deeper.
-Study anatomy a lot, study the skull and the facial muscles.If you’re serious about making characters you should study anatomy your whole life. For starters check out these videos on the anatomy of the eyes and nose:
These are just examples, I think the videos are very well made. Keep learning the deeper shapes of the face like that.
-Also observe and compare. I think only exceptionally experienced artists can create a realistic face from imagination. Do you have reference images you refer to? I’m not saying you have to copy someones face verbosely (that presents it’s own challenges) but if you have several references with the kind of face you want to end up with you can always put your current image next to the image of a real person and ask yourself “Is my image convincing enough”. At first it won’t be, so the next question is “What is the main difference I can spot? What details are there in a really person that I don’t have in my image? What details am I missing in the eyes? In the mouth area? (etc…)”
If you manage to be honest with yourself (not easy for most artists but it’s essential) you won’t even need to ask for critique that much. Critique is great because someone could point out things you’re completely unaware of but try to be the most brutal judge of your work (without putting yourself down).
So if what I said resonates with you, put your image next to some references and start listing stuff you could improve to get to realism and post your findings here. If it doesn’t that’s really fine with me.
It’s in the cg cookie archive so it’s free although you may have to register a free account. Maybe that’s not the hairstyle you’re going for but check out how the tutor breaks down the hairstyle in several layers to get the result he wants.
Definite improvements, ToshiCG’s comment about honesty can’t be stressed enough. It’s not the kind of honesty you normally think of, it more of a natural phenomenon whereby an artist “falls in love” with their work and it becomes exceedingly difficult to get objective feedback from yourself. That is one reason that posting here is a very good idea, and also to have a side by side with a reference image(s)
Have you ever used multiresolution scultping? It is probably the next logical step, and in a way you’re kind of stuck at a certain poly level as you try and move some verts this way for a nose crease, but then the cheek isn’t right. Sculpting with multires can help a lot as you will be panning around in 3-d space a lot instead of stuck in mostly ortho views.
Regardless, good progress and keep pushing forward. Faces are funny, it might have a very funky uncanny feel, and then you push a couple facial features a tiny amount and boom, it’s beautiful. You would save a new version at that point. :yes: