Affect only locations in transformation not working


I am using Blender 3.6 and trying to transform my machinery model on locations. I checked the transform Affect only locations but when I press S and try to scale it on locations it doesn’t work what can be the reason. I am new to Blender.

The first thought is that the tool doesn’t work if the transform pivot is on ‘individual origin’ but looking at your image you are in ‘median point’. Maybe you have some constraint on ‘Location’ or some ‘Parent’ to check?

I cleared all the constraints by going to object-> clear all constraints, and tried with individual pivot point as well but still not working. Also tried in Blender 4.0 latest version but same issue

Transforms on parent, are inherited by children.
You have an entire hierarchy selected, including the parent.
Parent is the only object at its level of hierarchy.
So, it is like you were doing the scaling only one object the parent.
So, that does not change any location.

You have to select objects by level of hierarchy, for the option to work.

Hey, Thank you so much this solved my problem and made me understand my mistake.