After play

My first render in Cycles render!!!
I hope you all enjoy it.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re #featured! :+1:

Fantastic work, which brings back some memories!

The fact that I keep wanting to pick the thing up and put it on a stand instead of being on the floor where it could get damaged says a lot of how I view the image. :sunglasses:
I guess my only crit would be, the wear on the pickguard isn’t logical, you’d expect under the strings to be realtively unscathed, with a lot of scratches on the lower section being in the direction of the picking hand. A different wear map would sell it even more.

As a guitar player myself, I can say that is a nice looking Telecaster. At some point I might get myself a tele. Anyway a few things stood out too me, both good and bad. The scene around the guitar is very well done, I like all the little details(like the setlist, cabels, ect.). Although I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone play Iron Maiden songs on a tele. The brigde, and knobs are very nicely done as well. A few things that stood out as out of place to me were (as someone already said) The wear on the pick guard seems a bit odd. Personally I’ve not seen many guitars with any actual wear on the pickguard where you think there would be. mostly lots of smaller scratches here and there, so this seems like a bit much. Also there are way too many finger prints. I feel like whoever owns that guitar would wipe it with a cloth, or thier shirt before it got that bad. Also on the topic of finger prints, how did they get their finger prints below the strings between the pickups? I dont think I’ve ever gotten a finger print there, even when changing strings. The neck pickup also seems a bit too scratched up and dirty. Which again is something I’ve never seen on a guitar. At least not to this extent. I also don’t know how you got those picks in there. While I can’t say that I’ve ever tried putting picks in my pickguiard I don’t think they would actually fit.(seeing as I use a 1.14mm) Anyway props on making a great guitar model, you still did better than I did. Like the inclusion of the Fender logo too.


Agree with much of what Phil has said in terms of crits.

As a guitar player myself, I can say that is a nice looking Telecaster. At some point I might get myself a tele.

They are definitely a unique instrument, no sound quite like it.

Yeah, I would of gone for a list of suitable songs, think not of what you like, but what fits the style.

While I can’t say that I’ve ever tried putting picks in my pickguiard I don’t think they would actually fit.(seeing as I use a 1.14mm)

Depends on the fit, I have a custom guitar where you can fit picks on the edge, but not on the tele.

“Toca Raul” :joy:
Great job!