After rigging my object deforms

I believe i set up my rig correct, but as soon as i go in to pose mode to start animating the object it deforms… I followed a tutorial but i cant find where i went wrong. In the screenshot it shows how it deforms. The object is a package box that needs to be animated to fold together. Anyone who knows how to solve this? Thank u beforehand!

Hi, if you parented with automatic weights you need to check the weights and paint them manually where needed.
Also make sure that where the fold is there are enough loop lines to allow the folding.

Thank you for the comment! When i play around with weight painting it does seem to affect the object. Do you know by any chance if there is a easier way to do this? I cant seem to get the weight right :sweat:

I parented with empty groups btw! I followed this tutorial for the most parts:

Are you sure you parented the bones to the box with empty groups?

Did you select the bones in edit mode and parent with offset? I don’t see offsets in your image.

Did you assign the bones to the vertex groups in edit mode?

Yes as far as i can see i did that all correctly

I actually solved the problem with using a different layout for the bones! the same way as in this tutorial
Thank u for who replied :grin:

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