AgX - Current Versions & Updates

Hi everyone!
Since AgX got a lot of attention in the last months and there seems to be no place where all the information and tips are gathered about how to work with the ColorProfile and all it’s forks on GitHub, I thought it’s a good idea to open a thread about this. Maybe this can also be a place to post updates about the current status, timetable and goals of AgX.

So far there is the main branch from troy sobotka and three forks from EaryChow, MrLixm and ZachLewis. They’re all a little different and offer different advantages. The goal is to list all the differences and keep it updated here.

Are there other ideas we could implement in this thread?


Here´s the list of the different AgX Versions:


Great… :slightly_smiling_face: I was very confused when I first met AgX.

I haven’t really kept up with the latest developments. Thanks for creating this. I suppose the different forks don’t vary wildly ? @Eary_Chow which one is the closest to the version that will possibly be part of 3.6 ? Cheers,
