- Is not AI, it’s general health management, same as for the player, explody barrels etc. Write a single script you can apply to any object.
- Why? What impact will it have on the AI?
- Why? What impact will it have on the AI?
- Why? What impact will it have on the AI?
- Use the navmesh.
And your pseudo code is odly like python for pseudo code. I see maybe four things that aren’t syntactically correct. Trying to execute it, and looking at the errors will tell you where these errors are, and how to fix them.
***General thoughts on AI
If’s and then’s are bad. They break up the AI into something that is easily identifiable by the player. A skilled player can say “He’s fleeing, He’ll flee for 15 seconds, turn around and then look back the way he came. So I’ll zip around behind him so when he turns, I can hit him in the back” Or whatever.
Also, people don’t think in if’s and then’s. Our chosen paths are far more variable. If we tried to impliment a finite state machine to represent all the states of a human, it would be a zillion states.
So instead of states we can use weightings and a little randomness.
So let’s look at sight. How can we tell if our AI has ‘seen’ our player?
More accurate than your ‘Lidar’ (and about the same speed), and much much faster than the radar or near sensors, is the specific casting of a ray directly at the player. So let’s write a function to represent sight:
def sight(player_obj, AI_obj)
hit = AI_obj.rayCastTo(player_obj, 40)
if hit is not player:
return 0 #Because the player is behind a wall
angle = AI_obj.getVectTo(player_obj).dot(AI_obj.getAxisVect([0,1,0])) #Compare the way the direction is to the direction the AI is facing
distance = AI_obj.getDistanceTo(player_obj)
sight_value = 1/(angle*distance) #The smaller the angle, and the closer the player, the higher the sight_value
return sight_value
So now instead of a simple ‘can I see the player’ we have ‘how well can I see the player’
Let’s say we write a whole bunch of other functions to represent other senses, smell, audio etc. How can we combine them? We want even a single ‘large value’, so we just add them together
function alertness(player_obj, AI_obj):
sight_value = sight(player_obj, AI_obj)
aural_value = aural(player_obj, AI_obj)
scent_value = scent(player_obj, AI_obj)
#Combine these values
alertness_value = (sight_value+aural_value+scent_value)
return alertness_value
And now we have to use this to evalute what the player does, so we can feed it into various other functions:
function AI(cont):
AI_obj = cont.owner
player_obj = [o for o in bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects if 'player' in o][0]
nav_act = cont.actuators['navigation']
alertness_value = alertness(player_obj, AI_obj)
nav_act.velocity = sqrt(alertness_value)*0.5
if alertness_value > 10:
And so on. I could spout on for days, but won’t because I have other stuff to do.
Hope some of that helped.