AI Texturing / Image Projection / Efficient UV

Hi there Blender fellas!

I have been using camera projection for a while previously, but since the whole image generation ‘revolution’ has happened with AI I’ve started using it a lot for scenes/matte-paintings.

However, recently, I have tried to apply it to texturing models. Now, it is quite easy when you get a 2d Image to texture a 2d surface i.e. side of building, but becomes more complex when you want to do more complex models obviously.

I was wondering if any if you have had experience with this or any good suggestions for me.

My main problem is: I’ve started with the trial of a sword, somewhat simple model. I generate a front and side view so that I can project from each side. But now I have somewhat of a ‘seam-problem’ since the uvs aren’t exactly matching that well. I guess I could bake, export the texture to photoshop, fix the seam there, and re-import to blender, but I was just wondering if anyone has had any luck with AI-texturing that makes this process easier?

I appreciate any advice you may have on making this process more smooth/efficient as I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to the UV aspect.