Aircraft concept


Been working on this flying brick for a while now and after going thought the “works in progress” section I’ve decided to call it done :slight_smile: Hope you like it!

Original concept by Darren Bacon (

Woah. That’s all I can say. The lighting, materials, and modeling are perfect! the design seems a little front heavy in actuality but as a creative render this is amazing!

Thanks BloodRed15! I’m glad you liked it :slight_smile:

I agree with bloodred. Not really sure it could fly, but it certainly rocks. It has a kind of supercharged 50’s look! Love it

Thanks FredHystair!

1st) you wrote “consept” instead of “concept”
2nd) I love the model ! I am sure you could do some nice renders with it, maybe make a render of it in action (thrusters on, etc.)

That would be a great idea, I cant promise anything, but I’m definitely going to consider making one with the engine in action :slight_smile:

The typo should be fixed now, thanks^^

That metal looks stunning, well done!

Nice! Can you make a render from the upper-left rear of the vehicle? I’d like to see the plane from the backside more clearly

As other have stated, it might not fly but it sure is ubercool!