Aircraft Engine

Machine porn.


Youā€™re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Naprawdę przepiękna robota! Nic dodać, nic ująć! :muscle:t2:

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Cool to see nice usage of GroupPro :wink:

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Dig this lots. Greeble galor.

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At around 0:45 in the video you posted, Iā€™m still not understanding how the boolean cutters are conforming to the mesh to cut into it? And how it shades nicely after such an intense boolean operation? Can you go into any further detail? Thanks!

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Thank you all of you for good words :slight_smile: Iā€™m happy that you like it. It was very complex but fun practice for hardsurface :slight_smile:

I will try to explain. I created a very flat box with array modifier to cut those gaps from cylinder object. At the bottom of the modifier stack you can find boolean modifier which uses copied geometry of cylinder object, only shell just to maintan overall shape and add small offset. Without that I could just see everything through the mesh. After all of this, I used that cut boolean mesh to substract geometry from base cylinder object - I didnā€™t get any issues.

Shading looks fine because boolean cut-mesh have flat shading.

Let me know if my explanation isnā€™t well enough :slight_smile:

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Awesome Modeling !

Really Cool. YOu made it in blender and you did it without SUB D but you have a rendering program AO? that does sub-d For you. I have noticed sub d will change dimension and so will some displacement textures.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckinā€™ hell!

Weā€™re not worthy! Stunning work.

I, too, would love to see this after a paint job in Substance. Iā€™d love to give it a god myself as Iā€™m teaching myself Substance at the minute. Perhaps Iā€™ll buy it if itā€™s not too expensive after you put it up for sale. Mind you, I doubt I could do it justice.

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Looks nice!

It looks like Pascalā€™s stuff.
Really nice

Any tutorial to do something like this or close to it? Very impressive stuff.

awesome work !!!

i wish i could see crankshaft, pistons and valves moving 8-D

happy blending !

Echoing others here, this is FANTASTIC!! :sunglasses:

I so want to learn those skills! Really should dive into making special shapes like this.
MAn that twisted body with all the cylinders looks just insane to model.

You have perhaps tips on getting starting with shapes and forms like this?

Thanks for that link

A couple of your pipes arenā€™t connected!