Aircraft-inspired concept motorcycle

I did this over the holiday break to improve my Blender skills (new to Blender but not 3D). It’s based on an old sketch that I still like and inspired by vintage American aircraft. Maybe I’ll build it IRL if I ever get the time!

I have very vanilla shaders in there, but they’re fairly effective. Rendered in Cycles.


This is a really cool model. IRL would be sick! Great work! :fire:

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Thank you! I’ll be posting more work here in the coming months.

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Ok, take my money! I’d definitely buy this.

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Much appreciated!

I am just curious, it looks just like a sleek motorcycle, could you maybe circle what was airplane inspired?

The fairing design was inspired by early fighters such as the F-86 Sabre, A7 Corsair II, and P51 Mustang. Originally I was going to have the fairing look like sheets of riveted metal, but I liked the simpler smooth surface better. The exhaust in the belly is styled much like the exhaust seen on the P51 as well.

I see that now, thanks for the clarification!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Thanks Bart! My weekend just got better!

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