Airsoft Game

Okey Guys im making this airsoft game based on my airsoft team, im having fun xP

i will like u guys too give me more tips for my game and ideas
for example on how to make my field or terrain etc… Menus… etc

, ill leave u guys some pics:RocknRoll:

thanks guys =P


Nice game but…

You need alot of work on texturing and landscaping…

  1. It looks a little too flat
  2. Try making a grass texture with patches of dirt, its all too repetative.
  3. Make the walls a different material from the Ground

Now, i forget who origianally said it but…good lighting can make or break a game… Light it up nicely.

Good Luck!


EDIT: Hey by the way…sweet Menu.

thanks xP ya i need work on landscape and the walls are just to to try it… for now… xP

i actually dont kno how to make a good lightning :s if u gimmy any tips :smiley: maybe i can fix it

cool concept, so this will be like targets becuase airsoft guns don’t kill aniamls/humans unless it is gas

You should use texture splatting for the landscapes

well, u will eliminate not kill xP

good point :wink:

I agree. Try using GLSL so your scene doesn’t look too static.

Can u explaion to me what is GLSL i never used it or heard of it :smiley:

With GLSL enabled you can use dynamic shadows and more realistic lightning. I can explain more, but it seems you have to start from scratch when it’s about GLSL, so follow thistut and ask for more later.

GLSL is a new level in graphics basicly, and when i say new i dont literally mean its new technology…its just fairly new to Blender and a good step above Multitexture or Texface materials.

Ok i read that tut… but it dosnt explain very well…

1- u can use any texture or does it hace to be a texture with GLSL material?
2- Do u have to use 1 script for Each object u want GLSL material with it… or do u apply the Script once and it works for all the objects.
3-does GLSL Materials make your game run slower or laggy
4- is it worth it using GLSL Materials on games?

thanks xP

I realized I linked you to the wrong tut. so nevermind about question 1 and 2. About question 3: It can make your game more laggy if you use too much dynamic shadows. About question 4: yes, it’s woth it. Here’s a link to a tut how to apply realtime shadows.

i followed that tutorial… half the stuff i had it activated already… and when i press play… my cube goes white. :S

Don’t set solid, but textured. Change button on which is pointed at the attachement


ya ya i did that but the lighnight and stuff still dont change :S

This isn’t so much a technical tip as just a general design tip. SHOT: Stealth High Operation Team doesn’t make any sense. Did you just want to call it shot and then pick randomly associable words for the letters?

if you want to do something like that try to get the words to make some sort of sense. for instance High Octane Team makes a bit more sense but Stealth High Octane does not.

Don’t give your games throwaway names, its the first thing people see when they see the game and you can easily loose players through poor naming choice.

thats the name of my airsoft team, its a Swat like team i dint just invent it,

Is this a paintball game?
(I just want to make sure I understand correctly)

its like paintball but with BB’S instead of paintballs

They shoot little plastic pellets, or little matal ones. They aren’t as powerfull as BB guns either, unless it you get a gas airsoft gun