
Romanian AK-47 outfitted with Tapco parts presented in acrylic and platinum.
2.69/Cycles 600 samples

Hey Anthony, you did a good job on this. And the model looks nice and clean.

I love the idea of this materials. What a pity that you didn’t model the inner working parts of the rifle. The transparent materials would allow to see them. But I know that this wasn’t in your scope. Perhaps next time when you pick up the WIP again :slight_smile:

So for now: Congratulations for this nice piece! :slight_smile:

Good thing its not as heavy as the solid granite gun you made XD

Nice model, well done :slight_smile:

@Minoribus, I may go back and work on this some more at some point but it will mainly be to add some some vertex painting procedural textures to make it look worn in.

@Robert, yes, considerably easier to move into place. :wink:

@Yaakoub, thank you, glad to hear you like it.

Awesome job Anthony!! :smiley:

Thanks Vicky. No peanut gallery comments about it being an AK? :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the concept. You should explore other materials with other guns. perhaps a wooden revolver, or a terracotta shotgun. A full gallery of unique weaponry would be a thing to see…

Also, galleries have very interesting lighting. Might be a good opportunity to explore the lighting side of things.

did you use any IOR? I hear acrylic has zero IOR. Just wondering. It looks great.

Thanks Sterling, that would be a cool idea. I know the lighting is boring, I still suck at it but I’ll keep practicing.

I did use IOR Brent and thanks. I know it is more of a tempered glass than acrylic but I had to fit AK in the title somehow. :wink:

Acrylic actually has an IOR comparable to glass (~1.48) You might be thinking of transmissive losses, Brent. Acrylic absorbs almost none of the light that passes through it. I think about 2% for acrylic, compared to 5-7% for glass.

As always Sterling, tyvm for sharing your knowledge of such things.
This is more or less the same shader you helped me with for my AR project.