Al Khazneh

Here is another shot of what I currently have for level 1. Here I have started with stains on the pillars. The redundancy will be removed once I gather more textures. Right now just concentrating on the effect.

Here I am working on messing up the walls in the entrance area. Mixing a sediment rock texture I found with my clean material. Used a mask to make it strong at the base and then a cloud texture to create a weaker mix up the wall towards the top. This seems to be what is happening at the actual sight based on some of the photos I have seen.

Continuing with the square pillars.

Here is where I am with the full thing.

great minds think alike I guess,
I was just about to make this as soon as I saw it on my Youtube page.

Alright, first thing I think you should do is bump up the contrast
turn on film emulation and just turn the sun intensity way up,

This is Jordan we’re making :wink:

And the model is fantastic

But you aren’t going to go anywhere with procedurals/textures

you gotta sculpt the damage by hand(noise maker could help though if you have Zbrush lying around, otherwise the good old displacement mod works.)

Hoooo this is going to be amazing.
if you’re lighting and shading skill are as good as your modeling, this is going to be amasterpiece!

You, sir, are very damn talented!

If i may ask, how long have you been into 3D Graphics in general?
I ask as i have just started down this path, and find making any believable buildings extremely hard, as such I have put it on hold until i am better experienced with the software… Thanks for giving me this piece of inspiration!

Thanks Kazuto. Glad I was able to help inspire you. Keep at it and you will keep getting better.

I have been into 3D graphics since 2007, when I took an OpenGL class in grad school. The first time I touched Blender was in 2010, but I didn’t start modeling until 2013.

Thanks pieriko. Materials are still my weakest point, but I am getting better. I look back at my earlier posts where I thought I was done compare to what I have now and can see how far I have come.

Scrolling through, the emergence of the details is
truly bringing this shape to life. I’m definitely looking
forward to seeing this develop. Great work!


A few more tweaks and some post processing have brought me here.

Brilliant! My only advice or opinion is the need for more sculpted damage. Edges show no weathering, erosion, or damage so no micro shadows and dimples. Can use it on the columns too. Sculpt the Hi-res damage and erosion details and bake normal maps to save render time. Keep it up! :wink:

I have drawn the line in the sand now. Time to move on to something new. THere are still a few flaws here and there, but I have to stop sometime. There will always be more I can do.


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Awesome detail and sense of scale. Very cool!

Amazing work! Good job!