Just want to share…
Courses and 3d hairstyles available @ Yelzkizi.org
Just awesome!
thank you!
Looks great, but can we have a highres still render, if we ask nicely?
greetings, Kologe
thanks. I’ll be making one, no worries
This is a very very impressive piece of work - excellent blendering.
But I have to humbly request you consider reworking the expression. The half-mast eyelids and absolutely neutral mouth evoke all the expressiveness of a cognitive flat-line, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. If that is what you were hoping to achieve, then well done, but I can’t help but wonder what she would look like actually experiencing an emotion, ANY emotion.
There’s a ton of these videos, but watch some of these reactions:
People react to being called beautiful
I wouldn’t ask, if you weren’t so obviously up to the task.
Thank you for sharing your work.
thanks for the feedback would apply it to future renders.
was going for that expresionless look tbh. like she was at a sort of social gathering, smelling the rose and drinking a bit of champagne, someone did something to grab her attention and a picture (or in my case a turntable) was taken.
1st slide - Render
2nd slide - Main Reference
3rd slide - Mask off (Render)
4th slide - Reference
5th slide - Clay Render (Mask on)
6th slide - Wireframe
7th slide - Clay Render (Mask off)
8th slide - Wireframe
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Is that old lady the reference or inspiration?
Is that a real question or a joke?
Impressive work !!
Really good, and skillfully executed
I appreciate it, Thanks!
thank you!
isn’t an inspiration still a reference? don’t really understand your question
I actually like this one because she doesn’t show emotion. Also, the catch-lights above the eyes catch my attention. You feel like this lady is studying you very carefully, and you have no idea what she might do next. The entire setting works very well, and the costume and jewelry are appropriate and great.
thanks! that is exactly what I was going for haha