Alco RS1 (a little used)

Alco RS1 (Work in progress) done in Blender (textured in Substance Painter)

I’ve been working on this for awhile. I hope to do a mini movie eventually. What’s left to do is adding the decals for the road name, numberboards and engine number. Rails, ties and gravel textures haven’t been aged yet.




Looking great, hope to see more. Keep up the great work.

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are you going to show the inside with engine ect. ?

nice work
happy bl

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many thanks!

Many thanks Rick.

“are you going to show the inside with engine ect. ?”

I did grab some reference pics of the cab interior but I never found anything to show what’s laid out inside the hood. Mostly my focus at present is getting a better understanding what it takes to texture a model using Substance Painter. I’ve used Sub Painter a lot in the past for smaller projects but never something like the Jagdpanther, the RS1 and the USS Holland I did. (see my artstation page Normally in the past when trying to import whole models into Sub Painter I was either getting weird shading issues after the bake texture process or artifacts. I’m doing it a different way now where I’m not getting those issues. - Rich

Just a quick update to my RS1 project. Mostly added some tweaking to the weathering around the edges and cab.


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here are some train threads

might give you some ideas

happy bl

Some really nice stuff in those threads. Thanks for sharing. I used to be involved in the Train Simulator community and before that I did MSTS. I have a site where I still sell stuff my_site and I have stuff sold through DTG, Inc on Steam. It’s been a good while since my involvement. I have been messing with Trainz a little bit and maybe do something with it but it’s hard to get time to do so. - Rich

i began long time ago a train model the GE_AC4400CW

but very difficult to find dwgs for this

do you know if there are some good references site for this model
and may be a medium 3d poly model for this engine ?

i would like to make the diesel engine
traction motor - boogie and alternator for this
if i can find proper reference dwg for these

happy bl

I’d be guessing as most of my interest in railroading was mostly about railroading and not the rollingstock so much. However I can point you to, and I’m guessing you already found these, to places like blueprints . com (not positive that’s the complete address, turbosquid, places like that. Just never been much into the newer modern rollingstock. I’ll try and look up the exact site addresses and get back to you on this. Were you making the engine for a train sim or just show? - Rich

for time being just a 3D model with a simple scene

i have too many other WWII models still working on LO

but still interesting

happy bl

Here’s a couple and not by preference. I’m not an organized person and I’ve forgotten more sites for blueprints than I can remember…

The last one, RailServe, its always been a good reference library but necessarily 3d models.

“for time being just a 3D model with a simple scene” Same here. My last ww2 tank was a Jagdpanther I have shown on here.


will check these

i did find a PDF file for an engine but it is a 2200 HP not the 4400 HP engine

so not certain if the 4400 was 2 X 2200 HP ?

happy bl

I wouldn’t know the difference. But you could probably find the answer on the forum. Just join up and ask your question and I’m sure the folks there will have an answer for you. Lots of professional railroaders and rail fans hang out there. You could also check out which is a MSTS/TS2xxx VR forum. Lots of developers and rail sim users there and they cover all eras of train simming. Another thing is it’s pretty neat to see something you built via 3D modeling running on the tracks. One of the guys in the threads you pointed out mentioned this too and he was right on to say as well running a train in a sim is boring but it is fun to watch them run. I was mostly building scenery for my routes and I built a steel mill complex which to do it right I had to buy a number of books, some out of print, to understand the make-up. I have a pic on my site I like… maybe I can get that to show here…

I’d like to someday redo that mill in Blender. Back then I was using Sketchup Pro 8. - Rich

… Oh, and this is just part of the south end of the mill. The northern end was mostly rolling mills and dwarfed the size of what you see in this pic.

One more pic of the mill…

and this one…


… and this is north of the stuff you see in the first pic of the mill in the preceding post.

that might be possible in blender using group instancing
or equivalent in 2.9 with collection something

but it is a big project
i did work as a student in a steel mill and they are huge indeed

i began a medium res for the loco
not certain what i can find for this model

never really work for a loco model so this is learning curve i guess

but always same problem to find the right blueprints and photos to get it done and that is time and time

happy bl

here is another problem
got 2 side view from different sites

i began side view for the frame with one image then had to move to the other for the doors

and the 2 are not even the same height ?#$#%%^^^
darn cannot even get same thing from different sites

happy bl

I’m not sure this will help… scroll down to see schematics


Another thing you can do is when working with different reference pictures is to scale one of them to the size of the other. What I have done if this is applicable is to buy the model say like an HO scale version of the rollingstock and then take a picture of what I’m missing in my online references. In the case of the RS1 I did here I purchased a HO Atlas classic of the RS1 just to use for reference. I generally download a lot of pictures when I’m doing a model. With what we do it doesn’t hurt to eyeball something if we don’t have exact measurements. Hope this helps. - Rich

nice page for GE 4400
lots of small details in there

i started working on a bogie and began to vaguely remember i had already did one a few years back but never really completed the scene for this
so i had to search my whole computer and found an old folder for
a train model EM2 NW2
and it is medium res but i did the engine + Generator + Motor on bogie so i think i can re use some of it to make the new train model

don’t want to show it here - this is your thread so not the right place for my model LOL

i like your model it has some nice shape for low speed train
i think i did see some of these a long time ago.

today trains are almost all shapeless and only all aerodynamic
who cares about beauty

happy bl