Alfa Romeo "Giulia"

Hi all! Cars are not my usual CG subject, but I decided to try this new one with the help of CGMasters’ car modeling course. To make things easier I had the insane idea of working on a different car model :sweat_smile: (red and italian, of course). This is the result. Hope you like it! :slight_smile:

Front view:

Rear view:

Detail 1:

Detail 2:

Some more images here:

If you guys are interested, you can find all stages of the car creation on BlenderItalia forum; only italian language available but images are self explanatory.
This is the link:


great work, she’s beautiful. and of course the right choice. Alfa’s are great.

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Thanks @ILunde ! :smiley:

Annd… you’re #featured!


Thanks! @Fweeb :smiley:

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Great render!
How much time for rendering and on which hardware?


Thanks @bliblubli :slight_smile:
An average of 45min for 2560x1600 images, 2000 samples, 2xGTX1070, postprocessed in Krita

Molto Bene :slight_smile:

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Grazie! :slight_smile: @DoKi82

Stunning model and beautiful edge flow btw. That really shows in the reflections, so nice and smooth looking.

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thanks for appreciating! @rombout :slight_smile:

If you guys are interested, you can find all stages of the car creation on BlenderItalia forum; only italian language available but images are self explanatory.
This is the link:

Incredible work! I can only dream of getting these kind of results :sweat_smile:


thanks for appreciating! :slight_smile:
I have a good experience on blender but never created a car before this; but thanks to a good step by step video course I got this result, so you can do it too, just try!

Amazing work Lunde

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thanks @Jeremiah_M :slight_smile:

What is your pc build?

I featured you on BlenderNation, enjoy :slight_smile:

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thaaaanks! @bartv :smiley: