Alice in my wonderland

Hi all.
Excuse my poor English, I’m french.
Here is my contribution for the 3DVF’s challenge, “Alice in your wonderland”.
I’ve struggled to finish in time, I did the post production in only half an hour with Gimp.
That’s why there are lot of problems with the blur.:no:
I use blender 2.5 (volumetrics for the clouds and the cat),
I hope you will like this image :slight_smile:

Full size:

I especially like the ships and the castle, though there are so many colors it seems disorgagnized…which makes it somewhat hard to actually see the image without having to analyze it first. The teeth on the cat are definitely added postpro it appears, which makes them stand out as unusual. Good job on the landscape though!

Hi Keith M;

The teeth on the cat are definitely added postpro
That’s wrong, I think it’s something like a bug, or maybe the zcombine doesn’t work.

Anyway I haven’t still understand all the subtilities of the volumetrics shaders

Some details:

Thank for your comment Keith M, I will try to be more organized in my future projects!

though there are so many colors it seems disorgagnized
newbie for ever !:o