Alien (1979) inspired corridor

A few months in to learning Blender, and I’m slowly getting used to it. This is the most complex scene I’ve created so far. Pretty happy with it, although I could continue to tweak it forever I think.


Love it! It feels claustrophobic and stressful (I hope that was the intention hehe), and the shadow in the back is a great touch :ok_hand: :clap:

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Very nice. Looks great!
Did you use Cycles or evee, or denoise? I am rendering a corridor scene at the moment and damn…I always forget how many samples it takes to get rid of noise in low light, dark, indoor scenes. Takes forever to render :snail:! Even more so when you add fog.

That’s when you start splitting up your scene, and start thinking about how to use compositing instead of trying to do it all in one render pass. :wink:


Nice work Rob. Good to see you here :slight_smile:

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This was with Cycles. The fog is just a big box surrounding the model with an emission material. I think I rendered this with 512 samples. I struggle to see the difference at the moment between 50 samples, and 500. But maybe that’s just because I don’t really know what I’m doing!

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That was definitely the intention - so I’m really glad that comes across.

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Chers fella!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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