Alien-like material with glowy bits while being translucent? (Cycles)

Hi, I wanted to ask what would be an ideal node setup to replicate the look and material of the N.T.I aliens from the movie Abyss. See how there’s fresnel around the edges and the body is see-through with bits of light. Any ideas?

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Welcome :tada:,
i would start by searching for x-ray material and then of course using some transparent map drawing to make some of this glowing points… (if not done by real geometry).

Try something like this:

I have added the glossy mix because in the movie they appear to be made out of gel or other transparent but glossy material.

You can use VMATS’s “X-Ray” material.


here a simple with the layerweight amount for more or less effect.

This is awesome! I wasn’t expecting replies on such a short notice. Thanks for the help