Align vertices along edge


I want to be able to align a set of vertices along a straight edge, as in the image, so the verts circled will precisely align to the line drawn. The vertices have to stay in the xy plane in this instance.
I say precisely as the snap tool seems to be a bit too approximate

I have a method, but was wondering if there is an easier/faster way.
My method is to link the top and bottom vertices that will create the new edge, duplicate the vertices that are in the plane where I want the new vertex to be, scale them to extend beyond the new edge then use tinyCAD addon to extend edge to face (E2F). This creates a vertex in the correct location. Then just delete the unwanted vertces and rebuild or merge vertices. Remove the planes created and I’m done.

Like I say, a lot of effort. If anyone has another method I would love to hear it.


I also have a roundabout way, i am guessing there is a faster way though.

Create an Ngon and then use the knife tool with angle snapping, you can delete the edges afterwards.


could do the horizontal cuts with knife project

Yes, Grim, that is a bit quicker than my method. Thank you!
The only thing to add for others looking at this post is that the axis constraint of the knife tool aligns to the view. If the object is rotated off the main axes then select a face that is of the correct orientation, and hit shift+numpad_7 to align to the face. Then the constraint will cut along the correct axis.