SolutionX3.blend (413 KB)
Nice effect.
p.s. worst thread title ever.
Be wary of solutions with constants in them. By all means tweak equations to produce useful results, but the equation itself is what Is useful. Generally it is not sensible to post resources which consist of basic concepts or applications of fundamental physics because it makes it harder to find other resources.
Well, the equation is as follows
myDesiredRot = ((own.worldOrientation.col[2] * X) + target.worldOrientation.col[2] ) * (1/(X+1))
however I have not tried it with all sets of numbers.
myDesiredPosition = ((own.Position * X) + target.worldPosition ) * (1/(X+1))
MixedVector =( (Vector_1* X) + Vector_2 ) * (1/(X+1))
so far I have used
Value = (value_11)+value_2)(1/2)
Value = (value_115)+value_2)(1/16)
Value = (value_131)+value_2)(1/32)
and so on,
In this file I use it to mix normal vectors, with the players orientation, to make my own lerp type thing…
I assume someone has already done this before, however it made me happy to discover it myself anyway
this one is slightly evolved, however there is a missing piece
you need a ray facing forward from in front of the feet, so it will work on objects like hills,
if front ray is false
and ‘down back ray’ is positive:
use down back ray,
here is another version, with the forward ray,
it still needs work however
After a little more effort -
SuperCrawler.blend (441 KB)