Aligning 3D manipulator along plane normal


I have a question …

I have a particle system, that generates planes, I convert it and separate it by loose parts.
Afterwards I use Transform origin to geometry, to get the 3D manipulators to center of planes.

How can I set the orientation of 3D manipulator pointing Z along plane normal for all objects at once?

thanks for any hints


Maybe a screenshot, this is puzzling from the description. At first read, I thought you needed custom transform orientation, but I am not sure now. Do you mean that with each selection it will orient by the normal? If so, does changing the translation widget to Normal help at all?

Hi Here is an example, I want to do it on all objects in selection, to have the 3D manipulator oriented as the plane. In total there will be thousands of particles that I would like to move along local Z of each object, while Z pointing in direction of normal. And I want to make it in object mode. That why I want to reorient the 3D manipulator.

Did you apply scale and rotation of your objects?

need a script i think here
ask in python forum

and you have only one widget so your question does not make sense!

happy bl

The settings you have there should work (individual origins, local transform orientation) unless your objects have their rotations applied like Craig Jones mentioned.
Manipulator widget aligns itself to the active object but it should move the objects as set.

Edit: your Blender version is quite old (2.65). Perhaps that has something to do with the problem you have. Did you download it from directly?

Guys, do not forget, that …

I have a particle system, that generates planes, I convert it and separate it by loose parts.
Afterwards I use Transform origin to geometry, to get the 3D manipulators to center of planes.

So this means that the objects has the orientation of the “particle emitter” or the object from which the loose parts were separated. So it is not only a question of whether I applied transform or not, individual origins and so.

all the lines G, Z, Z … have the same direction … sorry wrong image, but makes the same along local Z

Particle hair duplicating a cube object, making duplicates real (ctrl+shift+A), local transform orientation and individual origins pivot:

Same with emit particles:

Of course when you separate parts from one object it has the same object orientation as the original.

Hi JA12, the particle solution … you hit the nail head with hammer, thumb up !!

and what if these planes would be separate loose parts from IvyGen or Sapling ??
is there a way how to do something like this ?

Or it will have to be a python scripted workaround ?

thanks for further hints
