All blender games 10th year Anniversary & Celebration (2009 - 2019+) šŸŽ‰

To the rest of the Artist Community: (Game Engine Discussion & Debate)

Hereā€™s a Poll that suggests where everyone stands currently!
Those who are with UPBGE you can side with my viewpoint, # In Defense of UPBGE! :sunglasses:
Those who agree with @Ratchet you would side with his viewpoints about Unreal Engine/ GODOT/ Armory/ Unity against UpBGE.
For those who stand neutral ground who use multiple engines based on needs select the 3rd option.

The Discussion Starts from here!

  • Who Sides with @ratchetā€™s comments, based on His Viewpoints on Gaming in general and Game Engineā€™s
  • Who sides with my @Fred_K.S viewpoint on Game Engineā€™s and Gaming in General.
  • who has their own viewā€™s and wants to add to the discussion thread? (Add your comment below)
0 voters

For those who pick the 3rd option please leave a comment below!


Very few examples what game developers are doing using Unreal

First show us your own original creation, a real commercial game hard work with minimal ambition and originality, before asking people to show their original creations.
We donā€™t care about creations consisting of stealing Star Wars IP world design and models with classic gameplay.

Bonus :

For those who pick the 3rd option please leave a comment below!

Donā€™t feel attacked, nothing against you at all.

Iā€™m resuming :

  • You are stealing Star Wars IP, no originality, no original gameplay, no creativity, just coding.
  • Stop trashing Unreal or Unity and their users creations.
    Your are doing nothing better than other game developers.
  • You have no commercial game, neither one fully completed game, so stop asking people for their creations

Even my Construct 3 multiplatform game is way more original and interesting than your IP usage.

Unlike you iā€™m not closed or tied to one game engine but using many for each need ( even if i have preferences for Unreal and itā€™s features indeed ), iā€™m neither closed to PC platform only unlike you.

So perhaps stop criticizing other game developers using Unreal or Unity saying they can only do same realistic graphics and they are stuck to some engine gameplay when itā€™s totally false.
Their creations and prorotypes look lot better and are lot more fun and original than your PS2 Star Wars fan game.

Good luck !

looks cool, Iā€™m not against unreal devā€™s lolā€¦ my point is just that every dev needs and requires a different toolset thatā€™s all and the toolset requires skills, if i was an unreal dev it would require me to have a certain skillset for me to be competent enough to render out my gameā€™s vision or structure.

Interesting that you posted the Trinity hook lol! @Ratchet

My fan game has all 3 of them lol (Its clearly visible and you will see with my upcoming progress), which is why Iā€™m working on UpBGE dont you see (Makes me different than everybody else, you dont need Unreal Engine to get a game like this to hit all 3 hooks), your biased opinions are just name shaming and trash talking my work, of which I am not offended by your weak biases (Your comments just come across as being narcissistic because yr helping unreal devā€™s and youā€™ve been brainwashed to think that Unreal Graphics or the engine is how everything should be like), Personally i dont feel under attack, because i Know what ive done and atleast I have something that works today lol.
i worked and Iā€™m still working on my game :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue: What do you have @Ratchet ?

The Blender WARS does well because of the story and itā€™s mechanics which brings back nostalgic classical gameplay to its execution, although visually it may not hold up to par with todayā€™s standards or level of graphical fidelity.

its great that I made it stand out, with its own style and its own Art Visual Direction. At the end of the day, its all about does the game work? and it should, thatā€™s really all that matters truly speaking, because if it doesnā€™t work then its no game at all, and all efforts wouldā€™ve been wasted.

For me what matters is that I make a game that works and functions as it should all while delivering on its promises. Thatā€™s my focus not these other toolsets and game engines.


The only question is this that, is it really True?

Are we going to believe what they say about it or are we going to believe it when we see it?


Hereā€™s a features Update:


wow the thread has gone off-road quickly.

But Fred, iā€™m afraid Ratchet is right. Try to figure out why your project is standing still for 4-5 years now and maybe the harsh truth will be become obvious

ā€œVisuals donā€™t make a gameā€ when the game is some arcade, 2d rpg or some cartoonish car racing ā€¦ but in your cases (according all your videos) , i see itā€™s all about magnifying the world your space-glider is wandering around with no obvious purpose but to say " wow ā€¦ i made this in a 2005 engine" . But 0 game so far. And i think you became somehow indecisive because your are teared apart between your comfort zone " i will make it one day" and the fact you see some other engines that makes you depressed with your project. Itā€™s funny because you keep posting videos of SoyWars games made with Unreal like your project is somehow a sequel or related whatsoever to keep the hype up.

Switch to Godot and find the supporting community you are lacking here. Maybe you will form a group of people willing to make a StarWar game. But even with Godot, im afraid its just another collection of dreamers. If you want the sh*t to be done, follow the money and stick with commercial engines with people that are aiming incomes


Lol everyone is siding with @Ratchet ohh cool.

I dont intend to be right, im just making my point. he may appear to seem right if you look at it from his logical standpoint. the thread ended up as some short rant lolā€¦


yeah i guess you do have a point but im not in a rush, let me see what UPBGE can do for me lol.

The community here was always dead in the 1st place thereā€™s no communityā€¦

everyone has flocked over to UE5 its industry standard so i get that, let them make their hyper graphical masterpieces, while i make a modern game in a 2005 engine or 1999 GE PS1, a game that works decently and perfectly with state of the art mechanics that they cant accurately replicate in the industry standard Modern Day Engines.

Iā€™m sure there will always be one or 2 who will acknowledge my work someday.

Also Iā€™m not chasing star wars fans, the fandom is toxic and they want their star wars to be a certain way, not what I am doing so yeah, thatā€™s why other fan games get all the hype and praise.
(My Project is not about that, my projects is about delivering what its vision entails and I feel personally BGE is capable and is delivering on all that the vision holds for me, if it resonates with people then good id sure appreciate all the clicks and the likes and even donations as support for my hard efforts!)

Iā€™m just pushing UPBGE in territories that its never been pushed in and Iā€™m experimenting and making my game on it. and it will be what it is, like i said, its its own thing and it will stand as its own thing, even if no one wants to download or play it, atleast i wouldā€™ve completed it and dished out resources for free, of which idk who will even use my tuts and resources to make their future games on UPBGE.

But i do see my work benefiting people in the future and also inspiring and motivating, so thatā€™s why I dont mind.

and to @Ratchet i get you man, i understand thatā€™s what everyone would do, flock over to engines that are industry standard instead of some weak mistreated piece of crap that makes PS1 era games. might i remind you that blender foundationā€™s original intended purpose for the bge was all about prototyping, the game engine was only a feature not a staple of the blender software, so they removed it as soon as the 2.8 came around which made sense as this would cause serious backlogs and all kinds of issues .

If thereā€™s anything its not that i want people to use BGE, im not wanting a community or anything, i just wanna finish my game thatā€™s the Mission!

Mission Impossible

So yeahā€¦ Eventually i will get to finish it, its inevitable.


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i acknowledge your work, i like to read your posts

sorry for being harsh, looks even somehow disrespectful. Actually, i think i told you all that because iā€™m the same situation :smile: Itā€™s like , i feel iā€™m fine quibbling with my upbge and i know i can working on my project and have it done and i know iā€™m really not willing to start to learn another engine. For some reasons, im not willing to learn Unreal or Unity

Difference with me some years ago is that I realized that i need to focus on only 1 aspect of the game whilst before i was wanting it to do all. One feel itā€™s possible , at reach of the hand. Nothing hard to program . But the reality is that an indie game that does everything (GTA) actually does nothing ā€¦ it will remain some generic world explorer as the work seems so huge, one feel never the energy to start creating the content ā€¦ and if we do, thereā€™s always that feel that the content done is temporary as itā€™s never really good. Itā€™s a loop.

So i came to the conclusion : RupBGE is for having FUN making limited games that ship a simple and cool idea. For those games, i think thereā€™s no shame to use RupBGE as long as the game runs fast and nice. Idea of lightweight indie game
For my project, it will be like the game Fighting Force ā€¦ just simple action , arcade style.

Maybe for your project , stick (in a first time) to a thrilling space shooter ā€¦ and make it really fun to play with lot of explosion, missiles, spaceships on fire, counter-forces to handle while piloting , entering planet atmospheres ā€¦ pure arcade ā€¦ put sounds and super music


I keep seeing this weird idea by a lot of people that a great game engine will somehow help you make a great game, and thereā€™s nothing else involved. Thatā€™s not how engines work.

Modern game engines are simply a set of useful tools and software, that are built around some rendering framework (2D or 3D, and some have multiple backends). Most game engines include a physics engine (bullet, havok, etc) as well as a high level API to interact with game objects.

The main differences between an engine like (UP)BGE and Unreal is that Unreal has been extensively bug-tested and developed by a professional team over many years, and thus includes lots of extra tools. Things like nanite are useful and great, but they are fundamentally just automations and optimizations of some common processes.

At the end of the day, these are all just tools. If you are making a game that fits a certain genre closely, then it will certainly help to use an engine containing lots of tools specialized for that genre (e.g., Unreal for FPS games) as it will save lots of time. On the other hand, if you want to do something more out of the norm, it may be better to use an engine designed more generally (e.g. Unity)

The main problem with the BGE and variants is simply that it hasnā€™t been actively/professionally developed to the same extent, and thus may be missing a lot of useful features by default that other engines have. That doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t make a good game - thatā€™s unrelated. As long as youā€™re willing (or need) to re-implement some things and work with the engine, youā€™ll find that itā€™s more than capable at building complete, professional quality games. Just donā€™t expect to be handheld as much compared to other engines (though this may improve due to documentation and development)

At the end of the day, itā€™s not worth it to argue about game engines because the bigger question is game design - ā€œDoes this engine fulfill the requirements for my game design?ā€ If it does, then thereā€™s no problem. If not, look for one that does.

Thereā€™s really no ā€œsidesā€ to take here IMO, just work with the tool that you want, promote it if you like, and use something else if you donā€™t like it.


Addendum: As for performance, professional engines often have lots of backend optimizations (even if theyā€™re using the same openGL or Vulkan backend). This is one of those things that requires developers and development time, and even Godot has been funded by significant grants (just look at the recent fiasco lol) to work on those kinds of things.

Itā€™s only natural that the BGE, with its lack of support from BF and intermittent development wouldnā€™t have these optimizations. If you can live with it, then thereā€™s no problem - this falls into the question I mentioned earlier of game design requirements.

This should hopefully improve thanks to both UPBGE and RanGE development, but it is something to consider. Most of the performance improvements left to be made are around armature animations, materials, and for UPBGE, the eevee backend. Complaining doesnā€™t get anywhere, and only annoys the developers, so if you want any improvements, send a respectful feature request to the devs and support their work, or use some other engine that better fits your game design requirements.


It does not help the UPBGE team when there are a lot of threads popping up related to performance concerns and/or major bugs (ie. this new one here). Meanwhile, the team is talking about XR support and how it will change the engine.

I have never heard of a modern game engine where the recommendation is to avoid normal maps in favor of a workaround. Even BGE standard back in the Blender 2.49 days handled normal maps without too much fuss, but take a look at the new feature the team is bringing.

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Yeah, I agree that 3.6 really needs some stability improvements, itā€™s really annoying sometimes. I havenā€™t had as many issues with 3.2, so maybe itā€™s some new integration issue. Thereā€™s only 2-3 main developers, and technically itā€™s 0.3x because itā€™s not stable yet, so I canā€™t fault them. Iā€™d like to contribute myself at some point after becoming more familiar with C++. I havenā€™t actually heard any of the main developers talking about XR all too much though, where did you hear that? AFAIK itā€™s just some user experiments mostly, via the separate XR addon

For the most part, I develop my projects using UPBGE 0.2.5 (and have recently switched to RanGE) as itā€™s very stable and gives me the capabilities I need. So most of my experience is based on working in that environment.

I do see a ton of potential for UPBGE though, once they iron out the bugs. Having a complete game engine with python scripting integrated in modern blender can be amazingly useful, not just for games but for simulations (even ROS integration maybe), dynamic physics-based animation, and other similar usecases.


True, i agree this is a good idea, Each aspect of the game needs to be well fleshed out for example like my space environments, soon as i can get space gameplay done, thatā€™s already a game, then i build the ground aspects of the game and then once every other aspect is done i just add them all together as one game and just hook everything up and just hook all the aspects to call it one complete major game.

I like this idea, and thatā€™s actually how i planned back in June this year for my gradual return to the project.


I agree to this statement @Aman_Anas Perfectly said bud!


@blenderaptor & @Aman_Anas & @Ace_Dragon @Ratchet :sunglasses:
This is exactly why i spoke alot about My Projectā€™s earlier in my most recent posts here on this thread, about the importance of the Vision of a project and how UpBGE is capable of executing it (people will only realize at the end once the project is completed just how capable UPBGE actually really is, its not about peoples Judgements its about what has been done and attempted not commentary), and this is particularly why iam so happy today about its initial design its unique and different compared to games made in other engines and the beauty is in how my game is being made using the UpBGE toolset, this is what i want people to see that the project is different and unique and stands out on its own , and with every other Mechanic i make and design it will be different compared to how other game engine toolsets handle my physics.

the only implementation i see me actually working on the UPBGE 0.2x API would be performance optimization once a huge part or bulk of my game is complete.

as in im literally motivated to actually dig in to C# or C++ to actually find ways of making this game run so perfectly like modern day games but i will only do that once the game is done.

if only people had a similar idea to work on as i do on my game and try this approach its really for OG solo solo game devā€™s and this truly gives them the freedom to make their game from scratch and even transform it in to a masterpiece of a game that stands out on its own.

Without having to go through the hurdles of the limitations of other toolsets (Game Engines)



Most impressive!



I donā€™t regularly chat on this thread, but this is my game posted on GumRoad that you might be interested in the experience.

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System Requirements:

Intel Core i5
50GB HDD or 15GB SSD

*Game runs, but the requirements enable smooth experience while enabling ultra resolution in settings.

MacOS version, if you want Linux I shall publish

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