All blender games 10th year Anniversary & Celebration (2009 - 2019+) šŸŽ‰

Did you made the test to play without your graphic card ? Ive been told that Range/Upbge doesnā€™t exploits the graphic card at all (CPU only)

No, it does! Blender imposes a lot of load on GPU especially if there are some open render-intense applications. The game is based upon BGE, running on Blenderplayer.

I discovered such lags while in the occasion where there are high resolution textures in the viewport while at runtime, or even while enabling real-time reflection shader. Iā€™m not quite sure as to why the drop in GPU, but it seems to be not an issue while testing on system having similar specs. After all, the game runs great with low-end PC with the default settings of the game (the game has four resolutions option: low; medium; high and ultra.) Sometimes, the animation results to glitches and only solved after restarting the PC. Thatā€™s why the recommendation.

I made the default resolution option to enable only ā€œlightsā€ under the GLSL material settings. So, everything should run fine with low(default) settings on low-end PC.

can you make a comparison benchmark ? Game running on GPU vs CPU , a real test. Maybe the difference is obvious after exporting the game ? In my case, integrated Ryzen APU, the difference is 0

I donā€™t think itā€™s about comparison because distinct entity of the runtime for the game results in individual trade-off. For instance, if there are a lot (or unoptimized) of physics within the scene, the result will be lag or, in this case, load on CPU. And when there are high resolution textures, much lights, or environmental lightening within the scene, the load will be on CPU as much as itā€™s behind or outside of the FOV or camera spectrum (somewhere within the scene).

But, when the textures are rendering at runtime (i.e within camera frustum), the GPU comes into consideration - and here is where higher integrated GPU yields smoother experience. And, for the Blender Cycles, you could switch from CPU to GPU or vice-versus, but Iā€™m not really sure on the Blenderplayer if it was bundled with such capabilities.

After all, I have much confidence that the GPU plays a vital role for more performance because it made us a difference after test. (I also obtained performance gain testing from Intel HD Graphics 4000 to Intel HD Graphics 6000, 2GB more dedicated memory.)

Closing, I donā€™t think performance would be much of an issue since the game runs just fine even on 4GB RAM Intel Core i5 (not tested on AMD) except if higher resolution is enabled. Shadows, Extra Textures and Nodes (which realtime reflection uses when ā€œultraā€ is enabled in options) makes these considerations necessary.

Glad you are interested in the project.

There are little bugs, but donā€™t affect the overall experience, storyline or gameplay. Iā€™m also looking forward to enhance it soon.

Plus, NEXT DRIFT 2 is coming next.


Will check it out bud :+1:

@ArtistAbdul Is it an Open World Racer? Why Are you not using UPBGE?


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Blender Uses Rasterization rendering so whether your graphics and game materials or textures are low or extremely beefy the engine and renderer just renders and its just generally taxing.

thereā€™s no difference when it comes to hardware, because the python is not optimize im talking about BGEpy so alot of things may still play slow or bring down framerate, however UPBGE did have some optimization improvements and stability fixes added to it so that games could play at a consistent runtime when it comes to framerate, both animation framerate and runtime viewport framerate.


Thank you for that! And, yes! Itā€™s an open-world adventure car game with storyline and collection of different races.

After all, I havenā€™t used UPBGE due to the fact that I was about 5years in the development when I laid my hands on it and the game had went far. Plus, I tried few times from then, but encountered complications where I realized that I need to break much of the codes to run with UPBGE. Thatā€™s exhausting as I was focused on finishing up the game before any other conversion or improvements.

I later wanted to use UPBGE 3.x, but that, I think, is for NEXT DRIFT 2.

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Okay! Great! I havenā€™t realized that. Thank you for notifying me. We could just ignore the requirements for the most part.

well, thatā€™s why its interesting to make a benchmark (GPU vs CPU) . Pretty easy to compute the average FPS and itā€™s variance overtime :wink:

Okay! I guess I shall do that soon. I might pretty much give it a bigger priority. Thanks for that rectification. Great observation!

Okay, I found the benchmark after test with Core i5 12GB RAM and Intel HD Graphics 4000(equivalent to GeForce GTX 1050), and the frame rate goes between 26FPS to 42FPS.

Core i7 10th Gen with 8GB-16GB RAM could allow 54FPS up to 60FPS sometimes. Similarly, the AMD Radeon Rx 6450 could produce 34FPS up to 55FPS sometimes.

Any spec above benchmark shall ensure steady(save a little bit cases) frame rate at runtime.

just to add to what ive said before , a decent machine with decent specs should be able to handle performance if the game was well optimized to run well from its post development cycle.

But badly optimized games can also run poorly on high specs if the game is not well optimized, generally i have a formula approach to optimization when i make my games, i dont cross the line otherwise the game becomes unplayable.

always strike a good balance between performance and visuals.
its also saddening for a game with poor visuals to run really bad all because it was poorly optimized.

but generally the game engine renders as it had been set to render according to its rasterization rendering, so a good fidelity machine can never increase the quality of the visuals; its duty is that when it comes to BGE, performance is the only key commodity factor here, its tasked at focusing on how well a scene can be managed during runtime, initially a game is supposed to run really well if it is well optimized, its just the nature in which Bpy and BGEpy have been optimized, otherwise it requires that the developer digs in to some C++ code to add some base core optimization to the game engine code for the game to run better which would require reexporting the game again at runtime is a daunting task to do because it can break your gameā€™s setups how you set up its functionality.

I believe that is a downside to BGE :thinking: UPBGE on the other hand is just scalable performance basically basically adapted to the engine code to make things run better since python is slow.

thereā€™s no difference when it comes to hardware, because the python is not optimize im talking about BGEpy so alot of things may still play slow or bring down framerate, however UPBGE did have some optimization improvements and stability fixes added to it so that games could play at a consistent runtime when it comes to framerate, both animation framerate and runtime viewport framerate.


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Great to see His Progress! UPBGE is truly a spectacle to beholdā€¦

When things are done so beautifully this is truly some skill and talent.


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This is literally amazing and well made!
I love the project.

How far have you gone with your project, the racing game? I was pretty amazing! I also saw your impressive improvements to the space simulator using UPBGE. I shall also consider UPBGE on my next one.

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So on my Racing game SR AWNW 2, I was busy working on a new race track for the Beta Demo and also I was working on A few cars, last time I left off and also, itā€™s official Trailer was put on hold (everything is captured in game engine) I only managed to complete the map , my racing game is really a nice project, it gives me so much peace and calm when I work on it. because I donā€™t stress to make things work, I have most of the mechanics done already and all I focus more on is world design and car design and just tweaking up the integration of all those things.

On my racing game I have a demo build I have itā€™s alpha and beta demo with all menu functionality and all that everything works I just havenā€™t added car sound in yet, build 3.0.0 is multiplayer 2 player feature ā€¦
Build 4.0.0 has only single player implemented .

Build 5 will be the merging of those 2 builds as one official demo and once I sort out itā€™s sound and map level race tracks I can make a public release build on my siteā€¦

For now I put my racing game on hold, I really want the revolutionary tech coming from my other project to be complete 1st, so I can add the state of the art refinements to how my racing game handles and playsā€¦

On my other project TBW:
Iā€™m working on cutscene tech and also a lot of other in game tech as well, my Star Wars inspired fan game is the pinnacle for all my works in UPBGE it allows me to basically pretty much do anything because I have the tech done.

So at the moment because of my pc issues Iā€™ve been working gradually only on my TBW project and as for my racing game not yet. Iā€™m almost sorted out with my getting my new pc.

If anything slowed me or even halted my progress is just the equipment, otherwise if I had an RTX in 2020 my games would all be done by now, itā€™s just the pc situation on my end, building with mid range notebooks and low end pcā€™s makes my work pile up more because itā€™s hard to optimise and even create new content when performance isnā€™t good at all.

Otherwise for me both my projects strictly focus on in game engine tech and testing and showcases so yeah, but Iā€™m building official demos for the public for free play. Both my games are free to play, my next might be paid and I may put it on steam but the benefit thereof is by then I would have the in game tech ready and done it will just be built and focused on what the new ideas will be and people can buy my game on steam as for my current 2 major projects currently those remain free to play.

For me what matters most is having players play my game I love to have a player base,( when your game has a group of players who play it and like it and support it and steer a community around your project thatā€™s amazing because it shows that the project could become something bigger later on) that means more to me than money, but itā€™s a good idea to make money later on after the completion of my free games.


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Now for me, whatā€™s interesting is having a player base playing an UPBGE GAME.
This is a huge thing because most games out there in the market/ industry are mostly made with industry standard tools , to be able to make 2 free to play games on AAA level as a solo dev and then have a player base is a huge miracle, as long as the games function well, and thatā€™s my major focus point, thatā€™s all Iā€™m focusing on how to make it all work, great mechanics great gameplay great experience and replayability, to me making that happen is infinitely incredible, itā€™s the impossible!
(And only a few can make that happen because it requires skill patience and experience in this area of developing your skills)

UPBGE games are not as big as one may think they are and they donā€™t seem to have many players out there playing these games unless the game is well marketed and also if it is well made and itā€™s really nice to play.

Making games so that they can be fun is really important , more important than making a graphical masterpiece (Tech Demo -Show off) game thatā€™s a graphics sim or a walking simulator, a game is meant to be fun and engaging and really immersive , even 1995 games are more immersive than todays games some not all.


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Yes, youā€™re absolutely right! Fun and experience should be the biggest bet, not immersive graphics with meaningless gameplay and annoying mechanics. For sure, this has being what most AAA developers failed to understand.

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This is why the indie games and solo devs have taken the market by storm, and the majority of the creativity and great ideas are being executed in the indie space, rather Than the general market, in the general market people are being forced to accept mediocre releases of games that used to be their favourite well known franchises, and they monopolise the whole thing turning mediocre games in to a standard that the whole wide world and its industry should accept as a standard .


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