Allow Simulation Nodes to work in UPBGE

If I use Simulation Nodes in UPBGE, they do work in the animation viewer, but they do not for the internal or external player. Please add proper support for Simulation Nodes to be played in UPBGE’s player.

import bpy, bge

if bge.logic.getCurrentController().sensors['Always'].positive:
    currentFrame =['Scene'].frame_current['Scene'].frame_set(currentFrame + 1)

Always------------------this smol py

Tried it, and it seems to only update when I exit out of the game. I need simulation nodes to update while playing the game. For example, rain falling or a candle burning. Is there a way to do this without baking it or something, like real time simulation nodes like how I can do a real time ocean in UPBGE with little to no hassle?

you may have something setup wrong - like the always sensor needs to run each frame.

and be named ‘Always’

I use sim nodes all the time

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I just activated the pulse level and it worked, thank you, you made my day!!!

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